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"Are you ever gonna tell me where we're going?"

"What do you think?"

I sighed. Kai was being weirdly suspicious and I don't know why. After a long, awkward, and quiet drive, he parked the car in a place that has never left my head.

"Kai, why are we at my mother's graveyard?" I said after we got out.

"Just trust me, okay?" He said as placed his hand at the small of my back. I nodded and started walking towards my mother's tombstone. I was so confused. Why would Kai bring me here?

As we got closer, I noticed a woman standing near my mother's grave. Her back was facing us, so I couldn't see who it was. Could it be my mother's friend?

I was about to talk to her when that woman turned around, letting me see her facial features. It was as if someone dropped a bombshell on me because my supposedly dead mother was standing in front of me, breathing and very much alive.

I was rooted to the spot as I couldn't believe my own eyes. How is my mother alive? Her freaking grave was right next to her for God's sake!

"Hello, Bella. We finally meet." She said calmly. "Hello, 104. Good to see you again."

I did a double-take at Kai. They knew each other?!

"Hello, Ms. Adalia. I'll go wait by the car." Kai said and turned to me. I could see the guilt in his eyes. He took my hand and placed a square-shaped envelope in my hand. Then, he left. I know what was going to be on the square-shaped paper but I opened it anyway.


I instantly got mad at him. He was supposed to give this to me before. I could have at least prepared myself for this.

"Don't be angry at him. I told him to not tell you anything."

I looked at her not knowing how I should feel. "How are you alive?"

"I'm immortal."


"I'm the CEO of Rewound. I'm a SkySend."

I started breathing heavily. "So, all these years, you were alive, and you didn't bother to show up even once. Why?" I said controlling my growing anger.

"I'm sorry, Bella. Meeting your father and falling in love with him wasn't supposed to happen. I thought I could see your father and manage Rewound at the same time but the Board of Directors didn't allow it. They made a new rule saying that SkySends are never to be involved in a romantic relationship with a human. But then I got pregnant with you. They told me to get rid of you but I said no. I fought for you. I spent nine beautiful months with you and your father. And that's all I could have because I had to go back to Rewound once I gave birth to you. I'm sorry for being absent from your life. I'm sorry that I missed all your important moments. I'm sorry for not being a mother to you."

My hands clenched together as tears spilled from my eyes. "Does dad know?"

"He does."

My heart dropped. "Why didn't he tell me?"

"Because a dead mother is better than an absent mother"

I looked away as I cried harder. But, I needed to collect myself. I can't lose my composure in front of her. I quickly wiped my tears away and looked straight into her eyes.

"If a dead mother was better, than why show yourself to me now?"

"Because it's time."


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