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"She's okay"

Two words said by the doctor after three hours gave us all a huge relief. Kera's family along with Kai and I have been waiting outside the hospital room where Kera went through her surgery. I would be lying if I said that the thought of my best friend dying didn't terrify me. But, I had to conceal my emotions because having a mental breakdown in front of Kera's whole family won't do any good.

However, I couldn't have done that without the help of Kai. He stayed with me the entire time and even held my hand as an act of comfort. The fact that he was here with me even though he already had done his job, made my heart skip a beat. But, I pushed away those feelings.

The doctor allowed Kera's family to enter the room first so Kai and I waited outside. His hand was still in mine and I weirdly found comfort in that.

After a while, Mrs. Pritchett appeared. "Bella, she's asking for you, I told her you're here"

I looked at Kai and he gave me an encouraging smile. "Thank you for being here with me. I know you didn't have to, but you did anyway. So, thank you" I gave him a grateful smile.

"Don't be cute Ellie" He ruffled my hair making me blush. "Now, go and tell your best friend that you love her"

I chuckled and went inside the room. The sight of Kera in the hospital bed almost tore me apart. The girl who was always cheerful and happy was now looking so lifeless. But, when she saw me, she smiled.

"Hey, I thought my mom was joking when she said you were here." Kera said as her family members left the room.

"Hey, how are you feeling?"

"Like someone just did surgery on me"

"Haha, funny" I mocked as she laughed. Then, all the humor in us disappeared. "What happened Kera? Why am I just finding out about your medical condition?"

Kera sighed. "I didn't want people to know okay? I didn't wanna be labeled as the sick and weak girl in school."

"What about me Kera? I'm your best friend! And yet, you went out of your way to hide this from me. If you actually died today, how do you think I would feel when I find out that I could have had one last chance to talk to you or just be with you?" I said as tears dared to drop.

"I'm so sorry Bella, I didn't mean to hurt you like this" Kera said as she wiped my fallen tear. "I just didn't want you to treat me differently. With you, I could be this normal, fun teenager who doesn't need to constantly worry that I'm gonna die soon"

"Kera, you are a normal and fun teenager. Your medical condition isn't going to change that. But, I'm not letting you go through this alone anymore. I'm here for you like how you're always there for me. I love you so much. We're gonna get through this"

"I love you too"

We hugged each other and I told myself that I was going to pay more attention to my best friend. We then talked about her condition and I got to know more about it. Then, we moved on to lighter topics because Kera didn't want heavy talk anymore.

"I've been meaning to ask you something"

"What is it?"

"The guy you've been hanging out with, are you dating him or something?"

I flushed. "You mean Kai? Psst, we're not-, it's not-, no"

Kera eyed me warily. Is it just me or is it getting hot in here?

Just then, the door opened. "Sup, girls." said Kai.

"Oh, his here" Kera whispered and smirked.

"Sorry to disturb your sweet reunion but I have to go. Didn't wanna leave without notice."

"Oh, everything okay?" I said while ignoring Kera's eye signals.

"Yeah, don't worry about it." Kai said as Kera pinched my wrist.

"Ouch!" I glared at her. She signaled me to introduce her. "Ur Kera, this is Kai, Kai, this is Kera. I'm sure you guys have met in school"

"Hello, it's so nice to officially meet you. I was hoping Bella would introduce us sooner but she never did"

"Yeah, Ellie likes to keep me to herself, she has sharing issues."

I rolled my eyes at him. "OMG Kai, you are so funny." I said sarcastically.

"Ellie, huh? Bella usually hates nicknames." Kera smirked.

"Oh-kay, I'm going to send him outside, you gonna be okay in here?" I said while glaring at her.

"I'll be fine, Ellie" Kera grinned teasingly. Kai's eyes were on me and they were filled with amusement. I groaned and dragged him outside.

"What an interesting fact Ellie, I feel so special. I should hang out with Kera more."

"Why? So both of you could embarrass me more?"

"You're absolutely right"

I rolled my eyes. "So, where do you have to go?"

"Worried about me, are we?" Kai said with a grin while stepping closer to me.

"You know what, just go to wherever you're supposed to go, I could care less." I said. Before I could even take a step to leave, Kai held my hands.

"Are you okay?" He asked. His question took me aback. I could feel his sincerity through his eyes. As if me being okay was important to him.

"Why does it matter?"

His eyes widened a little. He looked into my eyes as if he was searching for an answer. It seemed like he himself didn't know why.

"Yeah, I'm okay" I replied anyway. He nodded. I got out of his hold and started walking away.


I halted in my step and looked over my shoulder.

"It matters because" He paused.


Kai stared into my soul. "Because I care about you"

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