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Wonwoo came to the living room first then you, so that the others won't suspect anything.

"Alright, the furniture that we ordered will arrive soon so you guys can settle in after this. We need to discuss house chores and the house rules," scoups said starting the meeting.

"I'm deciding the house rules here so everyone needs to follow if we're going to live together," Jeonghan said and everyone nodded,

"First, always keep the house clean. Clean your own bedroom, it's common sense,"

"Second, we'll be having a duty roster, no excuses because every single person will need to clean the house. We'll do it in pairs and everyone will do it once a week,"

"Third, wash your own dishes after you're done eating. Make sure after eating snacks the area is clean especially the living room,"

"Fourth, after getting home from school make sure shoes are placed on the shoe rack. If I saw a shoe not placed properly, I'll throw it outside,"

"Fifth, the laundry will be done together every day after school so our clothes don't pile up,"

"Lastly, mine your own business and never mess up with others," Jeonghan finally ended the list in his hands.

"I can work with that," DK said and everyone agrees.

"For cooking, we'll all take turns although I know some of you can't cook but we need to be fair," scoups said and the boys groaned.

You glanced at Joshua who is listening attentively to what Jeonghan is saying. You take your time and stared at his features.

He has a very clean skin and his hazelnut colored hair with some bangs covering his eyes makes him look so good. Also not to mention, his lips look so soft and suddenly you wondered what would it felt like to kiss him.

His gaze shifted to you and your eyes were locked for a few seconds before you turned to look at Jeonghan. Shit, you can't believe you just got caught staring.

"All right, I think that's all. So get yourselves comfortable and take a rest after settling in. I'll make the duty roster soon," Jeonghan dismisses everyone.

"What's for lunch?" Hoshi asked and everyone stopped also noticing its lunchtime.

"I ordered black bean noodles and some fried chicken for us," Jeonghan said and everyone cheered.

Your phone vibrated in your pocket and as soon as you took it out, you got a message saying that your furniture will be arriving in a few minutes.

Great, I can clean up everything and rest.

You remembered that your room was not cleared for the new furniture so you ran up quickly to your room.

Your luggage was in the center of the room and you decided to push it to the corner to settle it later. When you were about to drag it, you saw a very huge spider on top of the handle.

You screamed and started running out of the room to the room which was across yours. You don't whose room is that but you just bang on the door so hard and tears were flowing on your cheeks.

"Oh, my god wha-" the person didn't manage to finish his sentence when you stumbled on top of him making him groan.

"Joshua?" You came to realize that you were still on top of him and quickly stand up.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to disturb you, I didn't know this is your room," You said looking down.

"What is it?" He asked you.

"Umm nevermind, sorry again for disturbing," You said, still looking down and turn around to leave his room.

He pulled your hand and lowered his head and stared at your face.

"Why are you crying?"

"Nothing,"  you wipe your tears away.

"Tell me now," he demanded.

"Well, there's a huge spider in my room-" You didn't manage to finish your sentence when he just walks past you and went to your room.

You followed him from behind still feeling scared.

He looks around the room trying to search for the spider while you keep the distance between you and him close because you're scared.

Suddenly your eyes caught the glimpse of the spider and immediately jumped on top of Joshua from behind him.

"There's the spider!"

Your legs were wrapped around his waist and one of your hands is on his neck while the other is holding his face so you wouldn't fall down.

"Y/n I can't see," you started screaming and holds him tighter.

"Calm down how can-"

"Joshua please get it out," You cried to him and he stopped moving.

"Y/n please don't cover my eyes, I'll get it out," his words calmed you down and you stayed quiet but still holding onto him.

He then took the spider and bring it to your window and threw it out. You then quickly jumped off from him and looked down.

"Thank you," You thanked him but still not looking at him, feeling embarrassed.

He hummed and just walked out of your room.


Finally! Your room is doneee.

You decorated it with the majority of white color and a little bit of shade of pink. It doesn't look too girlish but more of a soft tone.

This room is a thousand times better than your old room. Apparently, because you decorated it yourself and it's what you always dreamed of, tv and mini-refrigerator.

You throw yourself on the bed looking at the ceiling and started to remember what happened earlier. You felt so guilty to Joshua because of what you did to him.

What should you do to thank him? He still doesn't like you but you still need to give him something to show him your gratitude.

You sighed and went downstairs to grab a drink. You walked past Jeonghan who was there eating ramen and went to the fridge to take a cold drink.

"Hey Y/n,"

"Hi, Jeonghan,"

"You looked stressed," looking at Jeonghan gave you an idea.

"Jeonghan, you're close with Joshua right?" His eyebrows furrowed at the question but he nodded anyway.

"Yeah, what's up?"

"What does he like to eat?" He looks up trying to remember something.

"Joshua? Well, he likes sweet things like desserts, but more on the American dessert you know? Because he grew up in America," You nodded understanding his words.

"Thanks, Jeonghan, you're the best," You said giving him a hug from the back.

"You just did something to him didn't you?" You grinned without replying and went up to your room.

Desserts it is.

Corruption// Joshua [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now