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You applied some lipstick on your lips and look at the mirror.

Feeling satisfied with your look for the night, you put on your favorite watch that Joshua bought for you.

"Hey beautiful," Joshua kissed your shoulder before wrapping his arm around your waist.

"Hey handsome," you smiled looking at how good he looks in a black button-up shirt matched with a blue tie.

"Ready?" You nodded and hold your hand before going into the car he rented.

When you were about to buckle your seatbelt, Joshua put a blindfold over your eyes.

"I'll open it when we arrive," he kissed your lips and put on the seatbelt for you.

You were anxious about where he is bringing you and he didn't give you a single hint.

The drive was around 20 minutes until Joshua pulled you out of the car, guiding you on where to walk.

"Where are we?" You giggled.

Joshua then removed your blindfold and you put a hand to cover your mouth, in disbelief what is in front of you.

It was a candlelight dinner set up on a balcony with roses on the floor, filling the space with a pleasant smell.

"You arranged this?" He smiled and nodded.

"Not that extravagant but hope you like it," he said and smiled sheepishly.

"It's more than enough Josh," you kissed his cheeks before intertwining your fingers in his.

"Come on let's eat, I'm starving,"

He pulled you to the dining table where there are foods prepared.

Being the gentleman he is, he pulled the chair for you to sit and place a napkin on your lap.

You both ate the roast lamb prepared by the chef and enjoyed being each other's company in the cold and peaceful night.

After eating, both of you stand at the edge of the balcony and stared at the beautiful night view.

"I enjoyed spending time with you these 5 days," you hugged him, feeling the warmth being in his arms.

"Me too, and surprisingly I didn't hear the word Sophea from your mouth," he said with a proud look on his face.

"Well, it's our time together isn't it?" you grinned.

"I want to say something," he then holds your shoulder and looks at you properly.

"What is it?" You replied feeling nervous inside.

"You're the most precious woman in my life y/n, despite us having a few rough times, I chose to be with you through all that, now and in the future,"

he stopped for a moment to catch his breath.

"I'm not the perfect guy that you dreamed of, but being with you makes me feel that I'm the luckiest guy in the world,"

"I'm tearing up," you said while laughing awkwardly but your hands are wiping the tears that fall on your cheek.

"I want to ask you again," he cleared his throat.

he lets go of your hand and kneeled in front of you while holding a black velvet box.

"Will you marry me?" You started crying hard but nodding at the same time.

Joshua puts the ring on your finger before hugging you.

"Even if you proposed to me a thousand times, my answer will still be yes Joshua," you caressed his cheek.

Corruption// Joshua [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now