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Today's the weekend which means that Joshua isn't going to work.

Since you still felt guilty towards him, you made pancakes for breakfast.

"Morning," you heard his voice while you're preparing food for Sophea.

"Morning, I made you breakfast,"

"Thanks," he smiled slightly and walks to the living room where Sophea was lying down sucking her pacifier.

"Hi Sophea, are you hungry?" He sat down beside her and hold both of her arms.

"What is she eating?" Joshua asked you.

"Some baby cereal,"

"Can I feed her?"

"Sure if you want to," you handed him the bowl and he started feeding her.

You watched as he sits Sophea and how comfortable she is with him.

"She finished the whole bowl, does she need to drink milk?" You snapped out from your thoughts and nodded.

"Yeah, I defrosted some milk already,"

"It's okay y/n, you can have breakfast while I gave her milk," you sat down and started having breakfast while looking at Joshua playing with her.

"You smell so nice, did you take a bath already? Did you?" He rubs Sophea's tummy and she started giggling.

You tried to eat as fast as you can so Joshua can eat.

"Josh you can have breakfast now,"

"We'll play again later okay?" He kissed her nose and you lifted Sophea up and puts her on your lap.

"You like him more than me huh?" You whispered to her but her eyes keep on following Joshua's movement.

"Your cooking has improved," he said while eating.

"Excuse me, what's that suppose to mean?" He chuckled.

"So what do you want to do today?"

"Nothing, just taking care of her," you put Sophea on the carpet so she can crawl around.

"You should go and have your personal time, I can babysit her today,"

"That would trouble you, it's okay," you declined the offer.

"When's the last time you go out and enjoy by yourself?" You look up trying to remember.

"Before having her,"

"See? Now go and relax, go to the spa or saloon or something," he washes the plate and carried Sophea who is crawling around.

"Are you sure?" You hesitated because it would trouble him.

"I'm sure, use my car,"

You agreed and went upstairs to change your clothes and grab your things.

"Be nice to Joshua okay?" You kissed her cheeks.

"I already prepared some milk in the fridge, you'll only need to microwave it for a few seconds," you reminded Joshua and he nodded.

"Oh, I almost forgot, if you need anything, just go to my room and open a pink bag beside my bed,"

"Cool, enjoy yourself," he waved at you and you entered his car.

As soon as he closed the door, you wondered to yourself, can he change diapers?

Whatever, he offered his service. For these few hours, you are back to single life.

Corruption// Joshua [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now