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Disclaimer: This scene will be similar to a scene in the fifty shades movie.

❗️smut scene ahead❗️

You and Joshua finished baking the brownies and put it inside the fridge so you can eat it tomorrow.

Joshua took a shower and went to your room but he was disappointed to see you sleeping on your bed soundly.

He sits beside you on the bed and kissed your forehead. As much as he wanted to wake you up, he doesn't want to bother to you rest.

He then laid beside you and pulls you closer to him and soon, he falls asleep while hugging you.


Joshua wakes up and noticed that you're not beside him anymore.

He looks at the clock on the nightstand and saw it's 2 am.

He went to the toilet to search for you but you're not there so he went to the kitchen and saw you sitting on the kitchen counter eating a tub of ice cream.

"Hey baby," he pulls you into a hug.
"Hey, why are you awake?" You asked him when you saw his sleepy face.

"Because somebody's missing on the bed," he said in a croaked voice.

"I slept earlier than usual so I can't sleep now," you explained and took his hand.

"Do you want to go back to the bedroom? I can accompany you until you fall asleep," you offered but he shook his head.

"It's okay,"

"Eating ice cream in the middle of the night?"
"Why? Do you want some?"

You scoop some ice cream and feeds him but intentionally smudge it on his lips.

"Oops, I made a mess," you giggled.

"Let me clean it up," you pulled his collar and kiss his lips to clean the ice cream.

"You're such a tease," he caressed your cheeks and you leaned into his touch.

"Am I?" You turned your head sideways and look at him.

He took the ice cream from you and leave a trail of ice cream from your legs to your thigh.

Slowly, he licks the trail and your back arched when his lips touched your skin.

It's easy for Joshua when you're only wearing his shirt and not wearing any pants.

"I told you, you're such a tease," he pulled your underwear and kissed your clit.

You moaned at the sudden contact and he stops.

"Shh you don't want to wake up others do you?" He continued licking your folds and sucking it.

"Joshua fuck," your grip on his hair tightened when he parted your legs.

"Hold your moans baby,"

As soon as he said that, he pushed his tongue into and out of you. Licking it in a circular motion.

You can help but lay down on the kitchen counter and put a hand on your mouth to cover your moans.

Joshua made you into a fucking mess when you can't let out any sounds. When you were coming he stopped and you whined.

"I'm not leaving you like that," you look down and before you could say anything, he pushed himself inside you and you let out a moan.

"Ahh, Joshua," you couldn't care about sounds you're making when Joshua keeps slamming himself inside of you.

Corruption// Joshua [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now