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❗️smut scene ahead❗️

You reached the pool and everyone was already there, well except for you and Joshua.

"What took you so long and you only wear a t-shirt and shorts? Are you going to bed?" Woozi asked me and everyone stared at me.

"Shut up,"

"Where's Joshua?" Jeonghan looks around and noticed that he's the only one absent.

"Let me call him," Mingyu grabs his phone and dialled Joshua's number. You knew Joshua picks up the call because you can see Mingyu talking.

"He said that he'll be kind of late because he has some issues? I don't know,"

Of course, a tent rising issue.

"Yo ming, carry me inside the pool," you both entered the pool and Mingyu carried you on his shoulders.

"Wonwoo, catch her," Mingyu pulled me down and tossed me over to wonwoo.

You yelped but wonwoo caught you and you hold onto his neck.

"Hey, babe,"
"Wonwoo shut it,"

"Relax will you? you're always scared they might find out didn't you?" Wonwoo puts you down and smiled.

"It's not that wonwoo,"

"I thought you'll wear a bikini," he raised his eyebrows and you sighed.

"Me too, but I dunno things change I guess?"

"Yo Josh! There you are, what happened man?" Hoshi exclaimed and you immediately turn to look at him.

He already changed his shorts to a new one and you can see his issue already settled down. He glanced at you and walk to the others.

"Anyone hungry? Some meat is cooked,"

"Y/n you want some?" Sungcheol asked you but you shook your head.

"You guys go ahead, I want to change my clothes, I'm done swimming,"

"Already? You only swim for a few minutes," dokyeom whined.

"I'm not in the mood,"

You walk past Joshua and went straight to your room to take a shower.

Trying to calm yourself, you took a hot shower and enjoyed the feeling of the water running along your body.

"You're taking a bath alone without me?" You jolted in surprise when you felt his arms wrapped around you.

"Wonwoo! What are you doing here? Did anyone saw you get inside my room?"

"No, they're busy eating, but I want something else to eat," [I'm cringing so bad]

He kisses your neck and you tilted your head to give him more access. He holds your shoulder and turns your body to face his.

His kisses went lower and lower until he reached between your thigh.

"Fuck wonwoo," your legs start to get wobbly because wonwoo keeps kissing and licking your clit.

He thrusts two fingers inside you while his lips never leave your clit. You can't help but let out moans.

"You're so warm baby, can you cum for me?" His fingers are sending you over the edge and you let your head fall back when you come all over wonwoo's fingers.

He stands up and holds your waist.

"Turn around," without saying anything, he pushed his hard cock into you and started thrusting.

Corruption// Joshua [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now