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Hello!! I'm back after a week. Sorry for the late update everyone. Don't know if you'll like this chapter but I really hope you do!❤️


"Wake up,"

"Baby wake up," you stretched your body and your eyes fluttered open.

"5 more minutes," you hugged Joshua and mumbled into his neck.

You hugged his bare body, feeling comfortable being in his arms.

You moved slightly and Joshua winced because you brushed against his shoulder.

"Ow," you opened your eyes when he yelped and saw a bruise on his left shoulder.

"What is this?" Your fingers slowly touch the bruise.

"You did this last night," he pecks your nose and you tried to remember what actually happens when you did, you blushed.

"Right," you can't meet his gaze and you are very embarrassed.

"Why is your face red?" He started laughing at you.


"You're embarrassed with me? Come on it's not our first time," he cupped your cheeks and smirks at you.

"I know, but last night was different,"

It's true. You and Joshua never did something like that and you're too embarrassed to look at him.

It was silence for a few seconds and you were just staring blankly at Joshua's chest, still feeling embarrassed.

"Babe," you hummed and look up at Joshua's face. He paused before continuing.

"Let's go on a short holiday," you quirked your eyebrow.

You gave yourself a thought and nodded.

"Sure, why not, also Sophea's big enough to travel," you agreed to him and his face was hesitant to reply.

"No, I mean just-the both of us?"

"That's sudden," you frowned why he didn't want to bring Sophea.

"Please, I miss spending time with you alone,"

He pouts trying to make you agree.

You drew circles on his chest and look up to him.

"But who will take care of her?" He takes your hand and kissed it.

"I already called your mom and she didn't mind watching her for a few days,"

"Please baby," you were hesitant to agree but you can't say no to pouting Joshua.

"Okay fine,"

He smiled and immediately sit up and want to get off the bed.

"Where are you going?" He smiled.

"Packing, come on our flight is in 5 hours," your eyes widened when he laughed.

"You're joking right?" You smiled knowing he's lying to you.

He bends over to you and whispered into your ear.

"I wish I am. Pack some sexy clothes for me okay?"


"You could've told me 1 hour before the flight," you said to Joshua who's beside you driving to your mom's house to drop Sophea.

Corruption// Joshua [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now