What's on my doorstep? {Luce's POV}

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Luce' POV

The announcer’s voice boomed through the speakers on the television, my hands going to my ears. My cat, Monty, ran out of the room, his screeching meows fading in the distance as I looked after his fleeting figure in envy, wising I didn’t have to stay here throughout the Grand Final.

My hand found the rose I had found earlier on the door step, a packet of lollies lying next to it. I sighed, setting down the perfectly trimmed rose on the beige couch next to me. My hand slipped around the remote and I turned the volume down, setting it on ‘record’. I left the remote on my lap, looking back up at the T.V as my 6 month old brother crawled into the room, his giggles distracting me from the scores of the competing teams.

“Hey there Nick,” I whispered, reaching out for him, the remote falling from my lap in a clutter. Nick got up on his knees, his blue footy-pyjamas soft in my hands. He giggled again, playing with mums car keys that were beside me. I looked back up at the Grand Final, watching the men leap through the air for the ball, being tackled to the ground, and the crowd cheering as their team scored.

“Hey Luce,” Mum chirped, walking in and sitting next to me, my older brother Martin following. He sat at my feet, reaching for my bag of lollies, and I slapped his hand away, turning back to the game.

“And he has it!” the announcer yelled, jumping up from his seat, his hands up in the air as he grinned. The crowd roared some ones hat flying onto the field. I laughed at their attempts of reaching for the lost, straw hat, floating away in the wind.

“Where did you get the lollies?” Martin asked, reaching for them once again. I slapped him upside the head, Nick’s laughter filling the room. I couldn’t help but smile at the small child in my arms, his curly tuft of hair so soft to touch, and his green eyes that seemed to sparkle, just like Dads.

My eyes started to flutter as I let the roaring crowd lull me to sleep.


I bolted up on the couch, the knitted rug falling to the ground. The doorbell rang, reverting though out the silent house. I slowly stood up, my hands looking for the light switch. I flipped it and looked around. The house looked exactly the same as it did before I fell asleep, except for the note Mum had left me on my lap top.

I stepped over Nick’s toys and walked over to the door, throwing it open. No one was there. I looked into the dead night, the full moon casting shadows, no living thing in sight. I sighed and shut the door, walking back into the lounge room and to my lap top, grabbing the note Mum had left me.

Dear Luce,

I took Martin and Nick to the movies. We won’t be back for a few hours. There are microwave noodles in the pantry. You know what to do. Sleep tight.

            Love Mum xoxo

I sighed again and walked into the dark kitchen. Thunder rumbled outside and lighting struck, lighting up the room and I screamed. A face appeared in the window, no expression in his eyes. As soon as he came, he was gone, and I ran. I ran up the stairs and into Martins room, trophies scattered across the shelves. I picked up one of them and clutched it, my hands clammy and slick with sweat. I silently moved out of Martins room and to my own. The lightning flashed again, lighting my path, yet no creepy man showed up.

I opened the door to my room, and peered around the corner, my hair falling into my face. I looked over my room; the soccer and netball trophies still sat on my dresser, my books were still on my bed side table, my homework was scattered across my desk and my bed was neatly made, Monty sleeping at the end. I started to feel dizzy and I made my way to bed, still clutching the trophy in my hand. I pulled back the covers and laid down, my eyes fluttering close.

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