The Paper Bag (Sarah's POV)

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Sarah's POV

Ding! Dong! I groan and roll over to my side. Ding! Dong! I groan again and sit up on my bed as I tiredly rub my eyes. Ding Dong! Ding Dong! Ding Dong! I let out a frustrated scream and get out of my bed.

"I'm coming!! Calm your tits!!" I yell making my way down the stairs and towards to door. God! Who the hell decides it's okay to wake me up so god damn early?! I look at the clock above the door and see that it's only 12 in the afternoon! I groan AGAIN and unlock the door. Who ever woke me up is in for it! I think to myself as I swing open the door. To my surprise nobody was there, so looked out my door and around the street looking for any sign of existence.

I still didn't see anything so I closed the door and started for my bedroom again. Just as I was about top reach the top of the stairs the door bell starts to ring uncontrollably again. "Shut up!" I yell running to the door ready to catch who ever decided to disturb my slumber. Hey! Don't judge me! A girl needs her sleep, okay!


I swung the door open on last time and still didn't see anything I ran a hand through my messy bedhead hair and sighed. All of a sudden I smelt a really bad odor and started coughing like crazy! "What is that?!" I yelled to no one. I had a good idea of what it was so I looked down just to make sure. Sure enough there it was. A bag set on fire with what i'm guessing was dog crap inside. It was probably from one of those stupid cheerleaders at my old school. I ran inside and grabbed the first thing I saw and threw in on the flaming bag and stomped on it with everything I had.

It took me a while to realize the fire was out, but when I did I grabbed whatever I had chosen and inspected the damage. Great! I though to myself. Just great! There was crap smeared all over my front porch and I knew that I would be the one to clean it up seeing as I was the only one home. I walked back into the silent house and grabbed a mop and a bucket of water and headed back outside. As I cleaned up the mess, my eye caught on to something thing under the, now deformed, bag. I picked it up, despite all the dog crap all over it, and examined what I had in my hand. I looked colder and could faintly make out:

To Miss Sarah Heights

residing at 8759 Faramore Lane


Who would write me a letter?

I thought to myself. I ripped open the envelope not caring about the outside and pulled out the letter. I read it over and over in my head making sure I wasn't dreaming. "I got in to an actual college!!!" I screamed jumping up and down ignoring the strange glares from my neighbors. I re-read the letter one last time and smiled to myself.

Dear Miss Sarah Marie Heights,

You have been selected to participate in a secret experiment. On the 1st of September at 7:00am a black Cadillac will be parked outside your house. You will be driven to London, England. Once in London you will find another black Cadillac. You will get in the car and it will take you to a secret base where you will start your training

You must not tell anyone where and why you are going. This is a secret organisation and if revealed there will be serious consequences. If needed you must lie to your friends/family as by telling them they may be in serious danger.

Good luck!

S. Cowell

CSA Director


I quickly ran back inside and ran up to my room and packed! I had no clue what I was going to need so I grabbed about every pair of pants and shorts could find and shoved them in my suite case along with my shirts, bras, and undies. Hey a girl can never over pack, okay?! It's just impossible! I zipped up my suite case and laid back down on my bed. Then something clicked in my head.

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