The Walk! ♥

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Everyone really seemed to enjoy the last update so here is another one

Skittles were involved in the making of this update! :)



I stared at the letter. I haven't read it since I saw the first three words. Dear Miss Nikki. Kendall knew I would know. He was the only one besides Dustin and I that knew that nickname.

"I need to go for a walk." I said. I got up and left the house before someone could say something, leaving the letter there. I started to walk down the street. I could walk home and get my car since I moved me and Little K closer, but I needed the walk.

Could that letter really be from Kendall?

"Come on! You have to come!" Kendall called from down the stairs. I made my way over to the top the stairs.

"Give me one good reason why I should?" I asked. Kendall smirked at me, making his eyebrows go the way that made all his girl fans scream.

"Come down here and I'll tell you." Kendall said. I sighed and made my way down the stairs. I got to the bottom expecting him to start talking.

He did the opposite.

He put his hands in both my thighs and I was lifted onto his shoulder. He started to carry me out of the house.

"PUT ME DOWN!" I screamed. He just chuckled. He knew I hated to be lifted.

"Not going to happen." Kendall said as he carried me to his car.

"If you put me down I'll give you a kiss." I said sweetly. He set me down a moment later.

Haha, sucker.

I continued to walk. Not really knowing where I was going. I just needed the walk and the fresh air felt great.

"Kendall the place where the guys wanted to meet up is the other way." I said as Kendall went down the freeway... in the opposite direction we were suppose to go.

"Yeah, I know." Kendall said.

"Then where are we going?" I asked.

"It's a surprise." Kendall said. I glared at him.

"I hate surprises." I said. "What is it with you and surprises?"

"I like seeing your face when I give you the surprise." Kendall said. I rolled my eyes and looked out the window, watching the cars, the signs, and the trees going by.

I dialed Kevin's number. He didn't answer so I dialed again. He didn't answer for a second time. I tried again. I am going to call until he answers. It ringed four times before he answered. I could hear Little K laughing in the back ground.

"Hello?" Kevin said, laughing.

"Hey, I was just checking in." I said.

"Nikki, he is fine." Kevin said. I knew he was rolling his eyes.

"I know. I just.." I started to say.

"We will find him." Kevin said. I knew he was referring to Kendall.

"I know we will." I said.

"Little K is fine. We will be back before dinner. Don't worry so much. He is in good hands." Kevin said.

"Okay." I said and hung up.

"KENDALL!" I said excitedly. We were standing in front of two four wheelers.

"You like?" Kendall asked.

"I love." I said as I got onto one.

"Helmet." Kendall said, handing me a helmet. It looked like a motorcycle helmet. I put it on and strapped it. Kendall got onto the other. I watched as he put a helmet on as well. He looked my way and then I heard him in my ear. "You ready to race Kinney?" Kendall asked. I knew he was smirking. I started up the four wheeler, hearing Kendall do the same.

"Oh you are so on." I said.

"On the count of three. One.. two..." Kendall started to count.

"THREE!" I screamed as I made the four wheeler go.

"Hey! Not fair!" Kendall said. He was right behind me so I gave it more gas and it went faster. I turned around for a quick second to see where he was. "NICOLE!" Kendall screamed as I hit something and was thrown off the four wheeler. I landed on the ground a little way away. I didn't have to look to know that Kendall was running towards me. "Babe?"  Kendall said. I opened my eyes and looked at him.

"Let's do that again. This time I am not looking back." I said. Kendall chuckled and helped me up. We went back to the four wheelers.

I was now downtown starring into Kendall's favorite coffee shop. It was the only place he would go for coffee. My phone went off. I pulled it out of my pocket and saw it was Dustin.

"Yeah?" I said when I answered.

"Don't freak out." Dustin said. Yeah, that's always makes me feel calm. "Kevin lost Little K."

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