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the smell of eggs and bacon filled the kitchen. bill and mike were cooking breakfast for the losers since bill's parents had to do some errands early that morning, and they had taken georgie with them. richie slept in longer than any of them, but woke up soon after bev to her pouring water on his face. richie was currently chasing eddie around the basement to retrieve his glasses the smaller boy had stolen when he woke up. bev was on the floor laughing at the two.

eddie stood on top of the couch, waving the glasses around teasingly and giggling. "give me my fucking glasses, eddie!" richie had frustration in his voice, but a smile on his face. "oh i wish i could, but i don't want to." eddie faked a pout. the more richie reached for them, the more eddie reached up and stood on his tippy toes.

he'd finally had enough of it, and picked up the smaller boy from his waist and gently set him down. richie looked down at the tiny, blurry figure that stood in front of him, and held his hand out. eddie sighed, and set them in his hand. when he put them on his face, he could see eddie's annoyed face. "you're no fun, rich." he stomped towards the stairs.

bev finally calmed down from laughing and stood on her feet. she noticed richie creeping up behind eddie and smirking at her. she raised an eyebrow. suddenly, richie picked eddie up from behind and ran up the steps with him. "rich, put me down!" eddie laughed and squirmed in richie's arms desperately. bev's eyes widened as she followed them upstairs.

he finally set eddie down in the kitchen, and the losers all turned to them with confused expressions. the two boys stood there and held in their laughter. bev emerged from the basement and sat at the table. stan rolled his eyes and commented "what happened with those two, bev? they both did something idiotic, i can tell." richie flipped him off before sitting down, eddie following.

"nothing really happened, eddie stole richie's glasses and he had to chase him around the basement for 10 minutes. then richie carried eddie up the stairs." bev explained. bill scoffed. "typ-pical richie." mike handed everyone their plate and sat down. bev rested her head on ben's shoulder, while the rest of the losers got to know eddie a little better. he talked about his dad, his childhood, and the losers were really intrigued by it, especially richie.

he just sat and calmly listened to the sound of eddie's voice. sure, he was yapping up a storm, but he didn't mind. he could listen to that voice all day. eddie's voice was so pure, like an angel. richie sat and admired eddie's features from the side. his freckles, his glowing eyes, his perfect hair, him.

he never felt like this with anyone before. well, he didn't even know what the feeling was. he just knew it was always when he felt eddie's wonderful presence. it hadn't even been 2 days since the boys met, yet richie still felt... different around him. "-and i have to take like 5 different medications a day. it's crazy." eddie explained, biting a piece of his bacon. the losers remained silent, listening to the sound of birds chirping outside as they peacefully ate.

they eventually had all finished and went back to the basement to get their things. mike was collecting everyone's dishes when richie approached him. "hey, don't worry about it dude. i'll clean everything up." mike smiled at this and put the dishes down. "it's all yours, tozier." he walked down the basement stairs as richie walked over to the sink.

he began to clean off ben's mug when the handle broke off, cutting deep into his palm. he yelped loudly in pain and dropped the mug into the sink. the losers all scurried up the stairs and approached richie. "woah rich, what happened?" bev questioned, seeing the blood gushing from under his hand's skin. "the handle fell off the mug and cut me!" he shut his eyes in pain and rinsed his hand under cold water. eddie approached the sink and turned it off, causing all of the losers to turn to him.

he was holding his fannypack, and looked extremely calm. he turned to look up at richie before grabbing his wrist softly and motioning him to sit at the table. richie obeyed, and eddie sat in front of him opening his fannypack. he got out tons of supplies, from cotton balls to peroxide. he looked back up at the losers. "i got this guys." the losers all nodded and walked back into the basement, leaving richie and eddie alone upstairs.

"geez, why do you carry all this stuff with you?" richie asked, resting his hand softly on the table. "just in case something like this happens. you never know, ya know?" eddie simply replied, not looking up from his fannypack. "now, i'm gonna clean off the blood and then pour some peroxide on it. it's gonna burn though. so please don't scream at me or i will shove this cotton ball down your throat." eddie had a stern look on his face, but richie could tell he was joking and meant no actual harm.

the boy worked quickly, and he was gentle with richie. the trashmouth did nothing but sit there quietly (for once) and watched the smaller boy fix his hand up. all it took was eddie to shut richie up and take his breath away. he couldn't help but smile at eddie's small figure working so gently.

richie winced when the peroxide hit the cut. "fuck, that does burn!" eddie looked up at him for a second before grabbing richie's free hand and intertwining their fingers. he gave it a tight squeeze. the boys both looked at each other flustered, but eddie pulled away first. "s-sorry uh-" he went into panic mood as he reached for his inhaler. "i-it's supposed to help calm your nerves. i thought it would help. i didn't mean to-" "it's fine, eddie. breath. as a matter of fact, it actually did help me. so thank you for that." richie cut the other boy off as they both smiled at each other.

eddie put a big bandaid on the cut and took a pen out. "what are you doing?" richie raised an eyebrow. "you'll see." he wrote something on the bandaid, being careful not to hurt richie, before closing the cap to the pen. he gave richie a small smile and a wink before heading downstairs. to this, richie smiled brighter than the sun. his face was red, but yet again, he didn't know why. he looked over at his bandaid and saw eddie's neat handwriting in black ink.

"five year olds have never done surgery on such a good looking person. looks like i
changed history."

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