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hey kid wanna buy some lettuce

richie go tf to sleep it's four in the morning

hypocrite much??

edward 🍝
i'm only up because i can't sleep

why do u think i'm awake dumbass

edward 🍝
because you have no life

ceo of bullying me 😔
hey let's bother the losers

edward 🍝
no dickwad let's not
he's already gone to the groupchat.
why am i talking to myself do i have mental issues

bitchy losers

hey kids
i'm gay i like dick
(subscribe if u got the reference)

beverly 🐝
honey we been knew

edward 🍝
bev please go to sleep
it's a school night

beverly 🐝

edward 🍝
k well fuck u too then

beverly 🐝
seriously why are y'all still up

i could say the same about you ms marsh

beverly 🐝
i can't sleep

stan 🕊
hi i'm kinea deunsl

what the fuck stan

stan 🕊
*voice message*
"hi um- i'm kinda drunk right now so if i sound really sslured and i say
something stupid i'm sorry hhaha-"

stan are u okay
you never drink on school nights
or quite frankly at all

stan 🕊
i kinda founds iut bill has a girlfriend and i got reallyy sad
so i started drinking my dad's beer
and this happened

edward 🍝
this is still a gc

stan 🕊
yes i know
but i really like bill and i know he's peobanly not gay
but i don't really care cause i still like him and now
he's dating this girl so i decided to try to get drunk
to take my mind off of it and i know he didn't tell you
guys yet but i've liked him since 6th to the fucking
grade  and this girl only knew him for like 3 months
and a person like him deserves so much better than
her since she cheated on her past bfs and it hurts because
imagine admiring someone for so long but they
don't feel the same way and i think that i actually
might be in love with him.
sorry fir my bad spelling i'm crying while drunk and
typing and it's nit a good mixture.
and i know he'll see this but like idc becaus ei think it's
time i told him anyways because he doesn't even like me
back so what's the poijt in life abymoee haha
anyways how's ur day been
seen by edward 🍝, richie, beverly 🐝, and bill 💌

oh my god
stan just poured his heart out to us

beverly 🐝
wait a minute
bill saw the message
bill 💌 loved a message beverly 🐝 sent

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2020 ⏰

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