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birds chirped all around derry as the losers rode their bikes towards the diner. the cold november air hit their faces as they sped down the streets of the town they all know and... hate. none of them really enjoyed living in derry, mainly because of how shitty everyone was towards them. but when they were with each other, none of it seemed to matter.

now, they were all sitting in a booth analyzing the menu. "i think i want a salad." bev bluntly said. "i'm just gonna not be healthy at all and take a burger." richie stared proudly. "no rich, you gotta be healthy." eddie gave him the death glare. "i'll be fine. it's just one burger." he stared down at the smaller boy next to him. "fine. i try to care about my friend's health, but clearly you don't care."

"alright fine fine i'll get a salad. am i still allowed to get a strawberry milkshake though, mom?" he teased the boy. eddie rolled his eyes playfully and looked up at richie. "yes you are." the losers just stared at them with confused looks, an annoyed one coming from stan. the two boys looked up at their friends just as confused, and asked in unison; "what?" bev smirked at the two before answering. "nothing."


the waitress had returned to their table with all of their orders when richie randomly spoke up. "i'm gonna go use the bathroom." he got up from his seat and walked towards the restroom, but bev quickly followed. before he could enter, bev caught up behind him. "rich!" the boy jumped up, startled, and turned his back to see bev. "what the fuck, bev? were you gonna follow me into the bathroom?" the redhead scoffed. "first of all, no. gross. and second of all, i have to talk to you."

the boy adjusted his glasses. "about?" she looked around to see if anyone was near them before speaking. "i know you like eddie." he raised his eyebrows in surprise. "woah woah woah. what?" she sighed. "look, i see the way you look at him. and trust me, that is not the way friends look at each other. that's like, next level romance! and you always look so flustered around him. for the few amount of times we've been around him, you have been blushing the entire time."

he knew she was right. "so, is that what this feeling is? it's like every time i'm about him, i get the fluttery feeling in my stomach, my breath hitches, my face gets red, as you observed." he remarked sarcastically. "it's just, i don't know. i guess maybe i do like him. but what if he doesn't feel the same way?" to this, bev laughed. "rich, seriously? have you not noticed that eddie feels the same? like come on-" she grabbed his palm to reveal the bandage and the writing on it. "-no 'friend' is gonna write that on your bandage that HE fixed up. and his face lights up whenever he sees you. before you showed up at bill's house, his face was not that red. believe me."

richie shrugged his shoulders. "i've only known him in person for- what? a day? i'm sure it's not that i like him. i mean, there's no way. it hasn't even been 2 days." "yes, but you knew what he looked like before, correct? he had sent you a picture. did you get that feeling when you saw the picture? bev questioned him. richie thought about it for a second, and nodded slowly. "i only felt the butterflies."

she stared at him before squealing quietly. "oh my god. you're in love, rich! and they say love at first sight doesn't exist." she whisper shouted at the raven haired boy. he smirked at this and turned away from her. he thought she couldn't see how red his face was, but she definitely could.

"can i use the bathroom now?" he looked up at her. she giggled. "yes you may, rich."


hii this was supposed to be way longer but i wanted to give u guys an update so you're not waiting so long. i am a very slow updater like i've had this book since january and it only has seven chapters 😳 anyways hope u enjoyed this <3

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