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richie and eddie sped down the dark streets. they had spent the day in the clubhouse, and the sun was starting to set. plus, it was a school night. mrs. k would kill eddie if he was out too late, and he knew it. the glistening light of the 8 o' clock moon beamed on the road they were biking on. all of the losers had parted down their streets, mike heading to an off road trail first to get home. the bitter cold air blew against their faces.

"jesus fuck, it's so cold." richie broke the silence. "i mean, yeah. it's the middle of november." eddie commented after him. his breath was cold and shaky, and he lightly giggled. "what are you laughing at, eds? there's nothing there." richie looked to his side to see eddie laughing. "no no, i mean my breath. look." he puffed and cold frost emitted from his mouth. "i just remembered when i used to run around saying i had dragon's breath when i was 5." eddie smiled at the memory.

"well then, if you have dragon's breath, then i do too." he admitted, adjusting his glasses and breathing out. the boys looked at each other and smiled. eddie was first to pull away and say something. "so about earlier in the hammock, i-" he was cut off when he noticed richie had stopped in his tracks. he followed the scared-looking boy's gaze to a blue car zooming down the road in the far distance. richie's face looked pale and his blood ran cold. "uh eddie, we gotta go." he stared at the car in fear, adjusting himself on his bike. "wait, why? who is that- rich?" he had already sped down the road.

eddie raced after him as fast as he could, already out of breath. the car seemed to be right behind him, even though it was pretty far away. eddie had lost sight of richie, and stopped to look around for him. an unfamiliar force pulled him down into a bush, along with his bike. he was about to scream for his life, when a familiar face appeared in front of him. richie brought his hand up to eddie's soft lips and made a 'shh' noise. the car zoomed down the street, hitting a mailbox near them. they were blasting metal music through the speakers of the car and recklessly screaming.

the music soon faded as the car sped down another street. the trashmouth sighed in relief and eddie gripped his wrist to lower his hand. they both emerged from the bush and eddie gave him a 'what the fuck was that please explain' look. "before you ask all freaked out, it was henry bowers and his goons. they're the the biggest assholes this town has ever seen, and the biggest bullies you'll ever meet." richie muttered. he hated talking about bowers, especially after the hell he had caused to the losers.

"he likes to jump kids who despise him enough, and just make things 10 times worse for them. he also likes the throw around some.. harmful homophobic terms at people he knows it will affect the most, because he knows they struggle with it." richie continued, as the two began biking again.

eddie thought for a second, before it clicked in his head. "oh my god rich, has he ever..." the pain being shown on richie's face physically hurt eddie, and it was clear to see. just the thought of someone hurting richie made his blood boil. "wait. look at me." he stopped his bike with his tiny feet suddenly and the taller boy turned to look at him, puzzled.

"this guy seems like a really big asshole, and i hate him already. but don't ever take his words to heart. and so what if you're gay? not saying you are either, but he should not be throwing around those kinds of slurs to anyone. he can suck it the fuck up. and i know i'm small. i mean, look at me. i'm really tiny. but i didn't take 5 years of karate for nothing. if he ever messes with you, let me know. and i promise you he'll regret it."

richie's eyes widened in shock. he's never seen anyone defend him this much, not even any of the losers. none of them would ever fight bowers, of all people, for him. "eddie, i-" he didn't know what to say. "really, it's okay-" "no. it's not okay. because even though we just met, i care about you and i wouldn't want anything to ever happen to you. yes, i know it's only been an entire weekend but you still mean a lot to me." eddie sighed.

"breathe, dude. you don't have to go out of your way to jump anyone. especially not for me." they stared at each other in silence. the moonlight shined on eddie's tan skin as richie sat and admired everything about the living angel in front of him. he just adored everything about him. he started to get the feeling until richie  broke his stare as he heard a sudden tapping sound. he looked around in confusion. "what the hell is that?" he questioned. "uh, it's that random lady tapping on the window?" eddie pointed to a woman at the front window of the blue house in front of them. richie groaned.

"wait, you know that lady?" he stared at the frustrated-looking trashmouth. "yes, that's my mom. and this is my house. i'm guessing she's signaling for me to come inside because it's getting late. so uh, good night eds." "for the last time dude i- you know what, forget it. good night, rich." they waved one last goodbye, eddie flipping richie off and sticking his tongue out teasingly, and richie watched him bike down the street and speed into the darkness.

the loud crunch of the gravel below richie's feet could be heard as he walked across his driveway and up to his front door. his mother opened the door before he could even touch the knob. "hey, ma." he greeted her at the door and walked over to the kitchen. "hello, rich." his dad was sitting at the table reading the newspaper, and his mom had just finished serving them when she noticed richie came home.

"so, richie. who was that boy you were talking to outside?" maggie asked her son. "oh uh- that's my friend eddie." he explained, gently sitting down next to his father. "your friend? are you sure he's just a friend?" she smirked at her son. wentworth peeked his head out from the newspaper and looked over at richie. "yeah, richard, are you sure?" he froze in his seat. how the fuck can they tell? "yeah. he's just a friend, guys. don't worry about it. what makes you think otherwise?" the sweat and panic washing over his face was visible to the human eye.

"oh, i don't know. maybe the way you looked at him. i have never seen anyone look at their best friend that way before. and that's coming from experience. my friends could always detect when i had a crush by the way i looked at those girls at my school-" "woah woah woah.. girls?!" wentworth nearly dropped his newspaper onto his plate of food. "yes girls. you couldn't tell? i don't discriminate, i'll tell you that. i'll take anyone." richie's jaw dropped so much as if it had dropped to the floor. "what?" mr. tozier raised an eyebrow. "she's pansexual, dad. she'll date anybody. boys, girls, non-binary, anything." he explained, still in shock.

"sorry i didn't tell you guys earlier, i just thought now would be a good time. anyways about that boy, rich. i apologize for saying this but neither of you guys seem straight in any way." richie choked on his rice. "mom, seriously!?" "okay, okay. i'm sorry. but just know we support you no matter who you love." wentworth nodded and smiled at his son. this made richie smile. he feels loved, supported, and accepted.

he finished his food rather quickly and raced up the stairs. he hopped in the shower and threw on a black  nirvana hoodie and grey sweatpants, considering it was cold outside. after brushing his thick curls out, he plopped on his bed and opened his messages.

hi ur my idol pls respond 🤩🤩

edward 🍝
who tf do u think i am?
zoe laverne?

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