Chapter 2

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A loud 'thump' sounded throughout the forest, causing the birds to fly away in flocks, startled by the sudden noise. Crouched beside a tree, an orange-haired male held his head with tears brimming his eyes that were clenched shut. "Yep, okay. Never sleeping in a tree again. I have more back pains now than I did when I got my ass handed to me by that karate kid. Damn..." Hideki sobbed, having the sudden urge to roll around in the dirt while he wallowed in self-pity and pain.

After a few more seconds of massaging his bruising head, Hideki stood up and looked around, an unsure expression on his face. 'Okay, so that wasn't a dream. I really am in the Narutoverse... where I can die and probably will. Though, I do seem pretty OP, just physically weak... I can work with this.' Making his way towards the flowing river, Hideki gazed into the depths that were barely visible. A few fish were swimming around without a care in the world, going against the current.

He brought his hands under the slightly-warmer-than-before-liquid, watching the fish scatter in fear of the unknown objects. Cupping a bit of the water in his hands, he brought it to his mouth and drank it quickly, cringing at the taste of untreated water. 'Ice would have made it better.' He acknowledged, smacking his lips with an unimpressed expression on his face.

'My time living in a forest did not prepare me for this.' Hideki acknowledged once again. If you couldn't tell, his ego took a big bruising once he sat down to sleep. He had a lot of time to think, after all. Deciding it was best to set out to find a village today, he gathered what little dignity he had left and started travelling in a random direction, deciding to ignore following the river's direction. He didn't know what was with that piece of advice, anyway. He couldn't have put it to use effectively.

Hideki half expected his legs to give out after ten minutes because of how long he walked yesterday, but they didn't, surprisingly. Instead, they felt as though they were brand new, just appeared out of thin air, never used before. He just kept the little muscle he had instead of having wobbly baby legs for the second time in his short life.

'I can work with this, too.' Hideki thought, a small smile appearing on his face. 'I must have something like Gamer's Body. Shouldn't I have seen that in my stats, though?' He wondered, hand resting on his chin in thought. "Well, I suppose it doesn't really matter. I'll just go with it." With that over with, He made his way to where he guessed Konoha was.

He wanted to live in the same village as the main characters, after all. It would make him feel special, but he may not need to as he did beat death, though it was unintentional. He didn't do anything special, either. It was just a random thing, Hideki assumed.

With a preparational sigh, Hideki decided it was time to practice Chakra control. Closing his eyes and focusing, he directed some Chakra to his legs and ran as fast as he could, which was faster than he originally expected. 'Odd, wasn't I really weak physically? Chakra is pretty amazing.' He breathed out in amazement, activating his status.


[Hideki Uzumaki]

[Titles: Other Worlder, Cheater of Death, Time Stopper, Time Wizard, Uzumaki Beauty, Gay Lord, Gamer | Title Equipped: Time Wizard | Benefits: +50 exp when using 'Time Control,' constantly increasing knowledge on Time and Space ninjutsu, and thanks to your amount of Luck, time will now go by slower for you when engaged in life threatening battles.]

[Lvl 999,999/1,000,000]

[EXP: 15,000/1,000,000]

[STR: 30/1,000,000]

[VIT: 1,000,000/1,000,000]

[DEX: 1,000,000/1,000,000]

[INT: 1,000,000/1,000,000]

[WIS: 1,000,000/1,000,000]

[LUK: 2,000,025/3,000,000]

[HPR: 1,000,000/1,000,000]

[CPR: 1,000,000/1,000,000]

[Inventory: Earth Ninjutsu Scroll - Earth Release: Shadow Clone]

"It doesn't say anything about Gamer's Body or Gamer's Mind... and I'm still weak... Hm?" It was just then that Hideki noticed his alleged last name. 'Uzumaki? So I'm an Uzumaki all of a sudden now, too? Isn't this a little much? Though, I'm not necessarily complaining... but that explains my rapid regeneration. The Uzumaki clan was always known for their excessive life force.' He concluded, nodding along with his thoughts.

'It's best I don't look into these stats too much. I'll just end up confusing myself. But I should reread this whole page just to be sure...' His eyes scanned the words in front of him with grace, stopping once he hit the bottom of the page. 'Well, it doesn't seem like I missed anything other than the EXP's uses. Turns out I can distribute my EXP points into whichever stats I want. This should include my strength...'

Trying his new theory out, Hideki pressed EXP then dragged 5,000 points into the strength department. With a little beep, his strength had increased by five points. 'I see. So 1,000 EXP should equal 1 point in any stat. I got 5,000 EXP by completing my first easy mission, so it shouldn't be too hard to get my strength to 1,000,000 like the rest, but it may take a while. I can probably do normal training to get my strength up as well since it's physical related-' Hideki's thought process was interrupted as he face planted into a tree with a pained yelp. Slowly peeling his body off of the now dented 20ft tall tree, he rubbed his face as the pain refused to subside.

"OW! Why are trees so against me lately?!" He exclaimed, the skin on his face a now bright red. "Did I do something to upset the forest or something? Can that happen?" He sniffed, a little blood dripping out from his burning nose. Hideki groaned, throwing his head back in exasperation. He just wanted to find Konoha, damn it! Not look like a walking Cherry Dilly Bar! Though, that does sound pretty good right now...

"Yosh, my new goal in life is find a way to make Dilly Bars!" Hideki declared proudly, ignoring the bitter blood that was now dripping into his mouth.

This is going to be interesting.

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