Tumblr user:@brogitsune
*newt sneezes* *"BLESS YA" echoes from all sides of the glade for like two minutes, followed by the sounds of punching things* *newt just shakes his head, rolls his eyes and yells "THANKS SHANKS"*
Tumblr Fandom Posts
FanfictionFandom...Fandom everywhere.... Wether you like TFIOS, Percy Jackson, Divergent, Hunger Games, The Maze Runner, or even Harry Potter! I'll make sure to add it all in this little Fandom Book. :)
Tumblr user:@brogitsune
*newt sneezes* *"BLESS YA" echoes from all sides of the glade for like two minutes, followed by the sounds of punching things* *newt just shakes his head, rolls his eyes and yells "THANKS SHANKS"*