Chapter 8

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A/N: HOLY MOTHER OF JESUS GOD BLESS IM SO SORRY I HAVENT UPDATED IN 98776443215273 YEARS!!! school has been a nightmare. I've bitten grounded like 10 times. I will try to update more. I'm so sorry. I've also had writers block for a while. Well, here we go. NOTE: story is not edited so sorry for typos or misconceptions.

Chapter 8:

• Megan's POV •

I stood there hugging Nicole, crying into her shoulder. She rubbed my back soothing me. I love her so much, she's always there for me, unlike other people.

"What's wrong boo? Let me guess, Hayes?"

I stayed silent and nodded my head. If I spoke another word, id burst into tears.

" fuck him, let's go back and WE have a great time. Maybe we can spend time with mahogany, yeah?"

I giggled and nodded my head. "Can we go to the bathroom to wash my face, I look like Godzilla." I stated and headed for the bathroom

* during the meet and greet at magcon *

I just stayed back stage. It was obvious I was gonna meet everyone else after the event. I hear all the girls crying, screaming, laughing. It got annoying, damn. Is that what I sound like? I got pretty thirsty so I went out for a drink.

I open the curtains and head out looking for a water bottle. I see Hayes staring at me, I roll my eyes. That douche, I really want to slap him across the face. I walk away hoping to get out of his sight.

"Hey watch- oh hey. You're Megan, Im mahogany. You obviously know that."

I bumped into Mahogany without even realizing it. You go Megan, you go.

" I'm so sorry! Wow, you're even prettier in person! Can we take a picture?"

"Yes of course. I'll use my phone and I'll send it to you. What's your Instagram so I can tag you and post it?" She smiles at me.

" here, I'll give you my phone and you give me yours and we add our numbers yeah ?"

Mahogany handed me her phone and I did the same. She starts smiling.

"Uh, what are you smiling at? Not in a rude way whatsoever."

"Nah don't worry. But ohhhh, you and Hayes i see." She smirks at me.

"That stage, is over completely. It's more like 'Hayes and that girl that randomly popped into the hotel room'".

She looked at me with a sincere smile and said "Hayes is a good kid, I'm sure he didn't mean it whatsoever. You should give him another chance. You won't regret it."

I nod my head and fake a smile. We take our picture, she posts it, and my phone blows up, nothing new.

" hey, where can I get water, I'm so thirsty. FOR WATER, not for guys, to make that clear." I laugh and so does she.

She leads me to the fridge that was back stage all this time. well I'm smart.

* end of event *

all of us we're sitting down around in a table they have set up... in complete awkward silence. Nash, Cameron, Matthew, and Carter were all having a silent conversation. Ashley, Nikki, Mahogany and I were sitting next to each other on our phones. Hayes, Taylor, and Aaron were staring at each other and making awkward faces. But Hayes, I felt him stare at me.

Each time i would look up, he'd look away. In my head, I wanted to curse him out completely but at the same time hug him and be in his arms. Then again, no. He hurt me, really badly. But I'm stupid for kissing him at the beginning. Why do I do this to myself? My thoughts were interrupted.

"Megan, did you even hear what I said?" Hayes looks at me. I look around and everyone is staring at me.

"Nope." And pop the P. "Why would i? To listen to you tell me that I'm a fuck up? Or that it's all my fault. Oh and to ask me what the hell is my problem? How about ..... Hell to the mother fucking no. Good damn bye! " I smile and walk away but someone grabbed my wrist, I turned around and wasn't surprised who I saw.

"Let. Go. Of. Me." I told Hayes. He pulled me into his chest. I can't deal with him. " HAYES I SAID LET GO OF ME DAMN IT!"

"NOT UNTIL YOU HEAR ME OUT!" He yells right at my face.

"After you use a breath mint because your breath stinks. As I said, good damn bye." I let go of his grip and hear the boys laughing. I smile to my self, ugh that felt great.

I grab my stuff and headed out. I was pretty hungry for tacos so I went to Taco Bell. Wait, I left Nicole.. She can ride with Cam, oh well.

As I park my car, I see a very familiar car. My hands start to shake knowing I might see someone I know. God knows who I could be.

I walk in and I couldn't believe who it was ...

A/N: hey, again sorry for not updating. this story may be way out of line, like not makings sense to what happened in the previous chapters. It's just hard writing these things. I'm new and I stuck at these 😂 sorry. Hope you guys enjoy. Keep voting and commenting 💛 again, this was not edited so sorry for typos and misconceptions.

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