chapter 12

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a/n: hello! i haven't updated in lil while. I hope all is well :) this story is horrifying horrible and it's just poop😭 i wish I can write but I can't. story is not edited so sorry for typos !! Oh well. since this is just for entertainment purposes, im continuing this :) happy reading! 😅

• Hayes' POV •

I quickly hopped out of bed, grabbed a random shirt and slipped it on. I put on a pair of shoes that I had lying around. At this moment, I don't care how i look, I'm just worried about Megan. I grabbed my phone and ran towards Nikki & Cam's room.

"GUYS WAKE UP! MEGAN IS AT THE POLICE STATION AND SHES AFRAID! GET YOUR BUTTS OUT OF BED AND LETS GO!" I yelled hoping they would hear & it turns out like Nikki heard.

"WHERES MY BOO BOO! WHERE IS SHE! CAMERON WAKE UP! PUT ON A SHIRT AND LETS GO!" Nikki slaps cameron with a pillow and he shoots out of bed. I go to Nash's room and wake him up.

"Erm Hayes, what are you wearing?" Nash looked at me like if I was wearing two different shoes and I had a purple face.

"What do you mean?" I look down and i was wearing one sandal and one sneaker. My shirt was inside-out and I looked like a mess. You go Hayes, you go.

" okay wow. let's just go please."

Nash grabs his keys and drives us over to the station. I am really worried about Megan. I hope she isn't hurt. We all walk in and see her with a friend entering an office. I really hope she's okay. We find seats and sit until she's done.

• Megan's POV•

I kinda realized that now I have to face Hayes after the whole incident. My stomach is turning, my hands are shaking, and my head is pounding. Man, my life has totally went from nothing, to something.
(a/n: aye, whoop. title of the book😏 get it? get it? ok continue)

"Miss Mallory and Miss Megan, come with me please." A tall, muscular police officer hovered over me. I nod my head because I couldn't open my mouth knowing I would scream and cry. We follow the officer into his office.

"May one of you tell me what is going on please?" the officer strictly voiced at us. His voice was intimidating but nothing like Michael's. I looked over to Mallory who was sobbing and her hands were shaking. I might as well do the talking.

"Okay well um. I have been in an abusive situation with me ex boyfriend. He-"

"What's his name? Full name preferably."

"Michael Sanchez. We started dating in my junior year of high school. Everything was okay until he started staying out late. He came home smelling like alcohol. It was bad. Then he would hit me for not doing what he's asked. It continued until I ended things in my senior year and ran to live with my mother. I now live here with my best friend. But my friend next to me, is going through the same situation right now. We need to put a stop to this."

The officer was scribbling things down on his notepad, typing on his computer, and asking me questions about looks and other things. I felt like weight was lifted off my shoulders, but another part of me was still worried and scared.

"Um, excuse me officer, sir, man, erm okay I'm sorry. But due to what Megan has told you, do you know how long he will be in jail?" Mallory asked, tear stains on her cheek, hands still very shaky.

"Well, we have his files here, it seems has also dealt with drugs so, for quite a while. No need to worry. Now, have any of you received text messages, calls, voices mails of some sort recently?" I shook my head. I had blocked him so I don't receive anything.

"I have. Here" Mallory unlocks her phone and hands it to the officer. Officer Greg to be specific. It's on his name tag.

"This is perfect. We can use this to track down where these messages were sent from. This will take a couple days. You guys need to head home and get some rest. Let me have your number so I can call you if we find out any more information."

"Okay, my name is Megan by the way. My number is 555-890. " I scribbled it down on a napkin he had on his desk. I shook his hand in thanks.

We walk out of the office and we see everyone. My heart stops. Mallory is crying again, what now?

"Are you okay? Michael is going to be put away, no need to worry." She cries harder.

"THE magcon boys are here oh my." She tried to fix herself up but fails miserably. She runs towards Hayes and engulfs him in a hug. Happily, he hugs back. I run towards Nikki and hug her. Nash comes behind and were now in a big group hug.

"Hi guys, I know it's already 2:30am and I woke you guys up but I'm sorry. I just got really scared." I laughed nervously.
My eyes wandered to Hayes. He was sitting next to Mallory and talking like no big deal. Go figure. I turn to hug Nash, he's like an older brother to me, but hey, where's Cameron?

"Guys, where is Cameron?" I start to worry, I have no idea why, but I do. I'm the one to always worry, and get panic attacks. I hate it but I have to deal with it.

"He's in the car, he fell asleep. There was no use in waking him up." Nikki told me. I simply nodded my head. I'm exhausted. We walk out and file into the car. Nikki is driving and Cam is sleeping in the passenger seat. Mallory, Hayes, and Nash are in the second row and I ended up in the back.... alone. I lean my head on the window and fell asleep.

• Hayes' POV•

Well, Mallory is beyond gorgeous I have to admit. I like her, she nice, funny. It's cute when she starts to worry. I felt bad for Megan because she was in the back but oh well. Mallory fell asleep on my shoulder. We finally arrived at the house. We felt bad for Mallory with what's going on so we just let her stay the night. I picked her up out of the car and headed inside the house. I set her down on the couch and got her some blankets and a pillow.
(a/n: man hoe oh my. I s2g)

I look around and see everyone in the house so i lock the door and head for bed. wait, where's Megan? I went to her room and saw she wasn't there. I check in Nikki's, not there. I head to the car to see if we left her there. And we did leave her there. Damn, aren't we nice. I unlock the car and wake her up.
(a/n: well Hayes, if your head wasn't so far up Mallory's butt, you wouldn't forget Megan!)

"Megan, wake up. Please wake up." I shake her lightly and she tilts her head to face me. Her eyes widen. And quickly unbuckles her seat belt and hauls out of the car. I need to talk to her, might as well talk now?

"Can I talk to you please?" She froze in her foot steps. She turns and walks towards me.

"If you're going to yell me I mess up everything, please don't even tell me. I've heard enough from you. Go talk to Mallory. Your head was far up her butt since the police station so.." Her voice was quite. She kept her head down, not looking at me. I towered over her, which was cute because she's like 5'3. I put my finger under her chin and made her face me.

"I'm sorry Megan, I really am. Please forgive me, please. You mean a lot to me." She shook her head.

"I-I can't. Hayes we just met!" She took a step back. "I was stupid enough to date you, because we just met. You told me I meant everything to you and at the event, you called me a fuck up! That is not love, that's for sure. I made a mistake once, I'm not making another one. Want me to forgive you? Make it up to me. Good night Hayes." And just like that, she walked away. I followed her into the house and we headed into our rooms to go to bed. That, was one hell of a night.

a/n: should Megan and Hayes be a couple? Let me know! Also, I'm going to be writing another fanfic. It'll be a jacob whitesides fanfic☺️ i hope you guys will read that one too! please leave me feedback on this chap! ily all :) have a great day/night ❤️

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