chapter 8

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Yerin felt a bit of disappointment when she thought about the fact that she and Sowon hadn't had their first kiss together yet, and wondered why it was so. Sowon wasn't hesitant to kiss anyone else before, so why was Yerin different? Was she... unkissable?

"What's on your mind, baby?"

Yerin hummed, looking at Sowon with her angelic eyes. "Nothing."

Sowon raised an eyebrow. "Nothing, huh? Interesting. I like thinking about nothing as well, it's an interesting concept." Yerin rolled her eyes and giggled softly. "Oh, shush."

"You can talk to me, baby," Sowon said. "I mean unless you don't trust me."

Of course, I trust you," Yerin said quickly. "It's just... ah, it's embarrassing to say."
Sowon chuckled. "Well, when you're ready to talk, I'm here. Well, if it's not about the past."

Yerin shook her head. "No, I'd rather leave that where it is. It's about us at the moment, but it's nothing concerning."

Sowon couldn't help but raise a curious eyebrow as she folded her arms. Yerin looked away. "Nothing concerning, huh?"

Yerin shrugged carelessly. "Yeah."

Sowon was quiet for a moment as she looked to the side thoughtfully. Yerin was really like a stereotypical girlfriend sometimes - she expected Sowon to smell how she felt at that moment. Those words 'nothing concerning' meant that it was something concerning. She sighed, picking up her phone since it had begun buzzing.

"Sowon speaking," she said as she answered. She listened for a moment. "Oh, okay. Ah, Mom, you know Dad will- oh. Great. Well, I'll ask her." Sowon pulled her phone from her ear for a moment. "Hey, Dad just left for a trip to Cheongdo. Mom's inviting you to dinner."

"Oh, I'd be glad," Yerin smiled. 

"I'll tell my mom."

"No, we have time - we can head to your place first," Sowon said, putting her phone to her ear again. "She said yes... oh. Well, then we'll see you when you return." She hung up, smirking a bit. "Mom's gone shopping until dinner time."

"Oh, so we'll be alone?" Sowon asked, not really thinking about the situation. Sowon, however, had a huge smirk on her face.


"Welcome to my home - again," Sowon said, closing the door behind them. She dropped her bag and Yerin looked around.

"New decoration," she mumbled.

"Yeah, we had some guy to redecorate the living room, Sowon said, following Yerin's eyes. She smiled, taking the younger's hand in her own. "Come, let's go upstairs."

"Oh, I haven't seen your bedroom before," Yerin hummed, following Sowon up the staircase. "I bet you have some huge room that's too big to handle."

"Wow, how did you know?" Sowon chuckled. "But Eunbi's room is bigger. She's the favourite, so..."

"Stop being negative," Yerin scolded, hitting Sowon's arm softly. She looked at their intertwined fingers and bit her lips together. She then looked at Sowon's red hair. She felt her heart rate increase for some reason.

We're going to her room.

Yerin felt a certain nervousness fill her body as Sowon pushed a white door open to reveal a typical female bedroom -Clean and simple, with a few soft-toys displayed on her bed.

 Sowon pulled the girl into the bedroom. Their bodies touched gently for a second. While Sowon was still unbearably confident, Yerin's cheeks flushed immediately. Yerin smirked a bit. "You okay, baby? You look a little red there."

Yerin hummed in defence and took a step back. "Not so close..."

"How can I kiss you if I'm not close?" Sowon asked softly, a hand slipping to Yerin's waist. Yerin widened his eyes as the older leaned to Yerin's ear. "I mean, we haven't really kissed, have we?"

Yerin hummed, her gaze falling to Sowon's lips. "N-no, we haven't..."

"You know, you look so pretty today," Sowon spoke, her hands roaming upwards. "So, so... pretty..."

Yerin gasped a bit. "Sowonie, wait-" She bit her lips, feeling Sowon's hands slipping under her shirt. "Sowon-"

Sowon pulled away slightly, just enough to stare into Yerin's slightly glazed eyes. She bit her bottom lip, leaning forward slightly. Yerin's eyes fluttered closed, a silent acceptance to Sowon's silent question. Their lips were placed together for a short moment before Sowon placed a hand on Yerin's cheek.

She pulled away for less than a second, only to place their lips together again. Yerin released a soft sound of shock as Sowon pulled her closer again. Yerin took a brave step forward and they walked backwards until Sowon came in contact with the bed.

Sowon sat down on the bed and Yerin crawled onto her lap to straddle her thighs. Sowon groaned softly. "Shit, baby..."

"Don't make it weird."

Sowon placed their lips together again, biting down onto Yerin's bottom lip gently. The younger gasped softly, trying to move away. As a result of that action, she grinded down gently. Sowon pulled away screwing her eyes shut quickly. She inhaled sharply, letting out a ragged breath.

"Stop moving," she muttered, her voice much lower than usual. In all honesty, Yerin found it hot, but she didn't allow herself to become too aroused. She pulled away, her breath heavy and rapid.

"I think that's enough," Yerin said, getting off Sowon's lap. The red-hair female was smirking slightly as she reached forward to Yerin's hand.

"As, come on - so quickly?" she asked softly, tugging Yerin to her ever so slightly. The younger's cheeks were bright red and her eyes were wide. To defend herself, she nodded before things went too far. Sowon pouted in disappointment. "Okay, fine. It was getting hot, though."
"That's why I stopped," Yerin said quickly. "I don't want things to go too far. You may have experience - I hope not, though - but... I'm still a kid. As childish as it is. I'd rather not do anything yet."

Sowon was silent for a moment before leaning forward to kiss Yerin's cheek. "It's okay, baby. I respect that. But... don't be scared, okay? I could never hurt you or force you into anything you don't want to do."

Yerin smiled softly. "Good."

Sowon smiled, putting her head on Yerin's shoulder. "You're literally the most perfect human on this planet."

"Opposite for you," Yerin teased. "I'm kidding, you're pretty great too. I mean, if my mom likes you, then you have to an admirable person, right?"

"That's because you know the real Sowon - not the artificial one created by my father," the older spoke softly. "Thanks for letting me kiss you. I thought it would never happen, let alone in this manner. I'm glad you trust me." She pulled away for second and smiled. "I love you so much."

Yerin giggled. "I love you more."

Sowon smirked, gently pushing Yerin's body to the bed. "One more session before mom comes home won't hurt."

Yerin giggled loudly. "Ah, you need to relax!" Nonetheless, she allowed Yerin to kiss her again - and again, and again, and again.

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