chapter 6

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Yerin looked up when her name was called by her teacher. She looked at Mrs Kang, putting her pencil down. "Yes, Mrs Kang?"
"Could you go to Mr Lau's class and get the answers for the grammar worksheet, please?" she asked, giving her a sweet smile. Yerin, being the good student she was, nodded and stood up. As far as Yerin knew, Sowon had Mr Lau for English, so she'd get to see her girlfriend.

"Just the papers, miss?" Yerin asked as she reached for the door.
"No, can you also ask Kim Sowon and Choi Beomgyu (yes I had to put him in) to come to my class, please? I need to have a word with them," she added. Yerin smiled widely and nodded. The walk to Mr Lau's class wasn't very far, which meant that her time with Sowon would be limited.

Yerin arrived at Mr Lau's class. She was about to knock, but she heard a loud voice inside the class. Mr Lau's voice echoed back after the first voice completed their yelling. Yerin frowned, finally knocking on the door, but the door was suddenly flung open.

"This is bullshit! I don't care what the fucking principal says!"

Someone stormed past her, not even apologizing when they bumped into Yerin. The younger was about to complain but stopped. That was the red hair of her girlfriend. "Unnie."

Yerin turned around sharply, her expression still hard and angry. It softened a bit at the sight of Yerin, but she still looked fairly angry. "Babe—"

Are you swearing at teachers?" Yerin frowned, stepping towards her slowly.
Sowon swore under her breath before inhaling sharply. "He was working on my nerves—"
"Is that a reason to swear at teachers?" Yerin asked. "I didn't think you were that type of person."

"I'm not that type of person, I swear," Sowon said quickly. "I don't always do this. It's just... I..."
"I think you need to go to the principal's office," Yerin said quickly. "Mr Lau didn't sound happy with you. Just go."
"Baby, just listen to me. I'm not like this, I swear." Sowon grabbed Yerin's wrist gently in an attempt to convince, but the younger shook her off.

"Go to the office. Before you get into more trouble."
"We need to talk after school," the older told her.
Yerin hesitantly nodded. "I hope I'll get an explanation."

"Why are you talking to this disrespectful child?" Mr Lau walked out of the class, scowling angrily at Sowon who only glared back. "I already contacted Mr Shin, he's expecting you."
"Later," Yerin nodded. Sowon stared for a moment before walking away. Mr Lau sighed, pushing a hand through his hair.
"That girl works on my nerves every day," he muttered coldly. He suddenly smiled widely and turned to Yerin. "How can I help you, my girl?"
Yerin hummed. "Mrs Yeong wants the answers for the grammar worksheets, please. And she would like to see Kim Sowon and Choi Beomgyu, but..."
"Yes, the rude one is gone to the office," Mr Lau sighed. "What is your relationship with that girl? How are you friends with her?"
"We're not friends..." Yerin's cheeks slowly turned red. "We're dating, but it's recent."
"Dating? Wow, I'm surprised that you can be so open about it already," Mr Lau hummed. "In my opinion, she would probably be a lousy girlfriend. She barely puts effort into herself, why would she put effort into a relationship?"
"She puts too much effort into the relationship, actually," Yerin smiled. "she's much better behind closed doors. she has... a certain image, you know? Popular girl. But with me, she's cute and shy. And she shows me that she likes me."

"If only she'd learn to respect everyone else like she respects you," Mr Lau sighed. "Come, the worksheets are on my desk. Come fetch them."

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