It was...

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I felt like someone lifted me off the floor and put me on something soft. And suddenly I got cold so it looked like someone was taking me outside.

I didn't have the strength to open my eyes but I could listen to what was going on around me. Then I heard a familiar voice:






D-Call a hospital sooner to get an operating room because if you linger for at least a few minutes the girl could die.

(D1-Doctor first)

D1-We've already called.

I was very scared because I heard a voice very close to me:

N-Please Elena just don't leave me.

After these words he took my hand squeezed and kissed. I felt a cap of something falling on my hand. It was Nick's tears. I could no longer lie his hand and said:

N-Please ... Just don't leave me ...

I opened my eyes and turned my head to him and said:

E-Prize ... Never and never ... You ... I will not leave ...

On the last words I started coughing and after screaming I noticed that I was bleeding ... FUCK ... I wasn't worried about myself I was worried about Nick because I was afraid he was very scared and my theory came true. He started crying. And it was already crying o more hysteria.I from the last I said:

E-Doctor ... Give him a sedative ...

At the last word, I closed my eyes and woke up already in the ward. I pretended to be still asleep but he just opened the door looked at me and closed and then I heard a voice very close and familiar to me:

D-Ms. Y / L / N hasn't woken up yet and I don't think she'll wake up soon ...

N-In what sense?

A-Did she breathe?

Ant-Pulse is?

D -...


D-The answer to Mrs Gregg's question is not very good for me ...


D-Two minutes back we received a message that in the blue building in the 457 ward was disconnected ... the respirator ...

At his words I tried to be quieter but I didn't get out, I started laughing and by laughing I invited everyone:

E- (LAUGHTER) Nick, Avani, Anthony come on.

Nick ran into the ward on these words and hugged me tightly:

E-I said I would never and never leave you.

N-I was so scared I thought I was going to lose you.

When he stepped back on his face there were tears I wanted to say something but Avani attacked and said:

A-At least once more try to get here on the vow I will break your tight ass.

Ant-I will then try to calm her down.

We all laughed and it became uncomfortable for me because we didn't meet Anthony anyway:

E-I'm sorry we didn't get to know each other. You most certainly know my name. I'm Elena.

Why you love me?Nick AustinWhere stories live. Discover now