The End

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Ryland POV

A doctor entered the ward and said:

D- Um Nicolas Austin?

N- Yes?

D- You know Ondreaz Lopez?

T- He's my brother. And what happened?

D- Your brother has the right blood type for Elena Austin.

T- Yes. He has a fourth blood type but did he agree to be a donor ?!

D- No we haven't contacted him yet. Could he agree?

T- I don't know.

D- Okay then I'll call and ask to come.

T- OK.

D- Can I talk to Nicolas Austin and Antonio Lopez?

R- Of course.

They left and I was left alone with Elena.

Tony POV

We left the ward and the doctor said:

D- There is nothing we can do.

N- How? You said ...

D- I said this so that Mr. Storms could spend the rest of the moments with Mrs. Austin happily.

T- It's she ...

D- Yes she will die.

N- Isn't there anything you can do?

D- I'm sorry but, no.

A year has passed since this conversation. Elena died of cardiac arrest. Ryland could not carry it over and committed suicide immediately after Elena died. They are both buried side by side and the inscription on their graves is "Even death will never separate them." Nick and I got married and live in Las Vegas. We miss Him. But we know kaad, they're happy. No wonder they often used the same phrase, "Why do you love me?" "Because, to me, you're like the only petal of a rose that will never be the same." They are happy now.

                                                                                          THE END

Finally this book is ended. I realy hope you like this book. Write a comment if you want some books. Bye Love you.

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