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When I opened my eyes in front of me was an amazing image:

When I opened my eyes in front of me was an amazing image:

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E- OMG! How beautiful!PM-Thank you not me ...Some black figure started to come to me:E-Who are you????-Please forgive me.E-Nick ?!N-Please listen to why I left you.E-OK ...I saw a smile disappear from Payton's face:E-Bet Payton will be with us.N-OK.After my words, Payton sat down next to my right and Nick from his left:N-I did it because since we met you visited the hospital all the time and I started to think I was to blame for everything but later I forgot about it. but I can't just be without you you're my thing when I saw all the guys near you start harassing me I wrote Payton to find out everything with them. Well and as you can see everything started to go the way it should.E-Then why did you kiss Dixie when you were still feeling me?PM-YOU KISSES DIXIE !?N-I didn't want to but she heard Chase with Alex and she kissed me. I didn't manage to do anything when Chase with Alex saw.E-I don't know what to tell you ...Then I heard a shot. I quickly turned around:PM and N-WHAT WAS IT ?!You don't go to E-Whait here or anywhere.I ran out and pulled a rifle after the dress. Then I felt like someone put a hand to my neck:??? - If we move we will shoot them.He turned me on to Nick and Payton. Rifles were attached to their necks:E-Just try ...???-You don't believe me?E-No because if you do that you will be very sorry.???-Why should I?He let me go and I turned around:E-Did you ever see the devil???? - Not because ....On these words he looked straight into my eyes and saw how my green eyes turned bright red that even the light began:??? - No please don't touch me.E-Too late.Then a very loud shout was heard. He yelled as I plucked out his heart:E-Maybe you want to join???? - NO.They fled on these words:N-Elena ... Your eyes are bright red ...E-Upps ...PM-Just don't say you're the devil.E-Don't be afraid, I won't touch them because I'm half human.I said this with a laugh:PM-What's funny here ?!E-I'm not the devil. I have lenses that only see in the dark. Look.I went into the darkness and saw red eyes:N-You scared us like that.PM-AHA ...I didn't want them to find out they had to lie to them because they were my dearest people:N-Elena we have something to tell you.E-And what is it?PM-I'm an angel and Nick is an evil angel.E -...N-I said she was scared ...At their words my face changed. I felt like someone very cautiously started to wake me up:PM-Elena we have already arrived.E-I fell asleep?PM-Yes.E-Upps sorry.PM-Nothing like that here. Let's go?E-Course.When we got to the place where the dream Payton started said:PM-Forgive Elena but I have to do it.He aimed his rifle at me:PM-Sorry a lot.He said this with tears:N-Elena !!!A shot was heard. I ran to Nick:E-NICK !!! OMG YOU ARE BLOODING !!!N-I want to tell you that I love you very much and please forgive me.E-I forgive you but please don't leave me now.N-Promise ...Av-Get in the car faster !!!Avani ran up to me with Nick:E-Avani make sure Nick doesn't close his eyes!On those words, I clicked on the accelerator pedal and within six minutes we were already in the hospital:E-Avani run and call the doctor!Avani ran away and I ran to Nick:N-Now we swapped places.E-But I won't let you leave me alone.Av-I can't find anything!E-OK THEY DISSERTED ME !!!I ran to the hospital and started calling the doctor:D-WHAT HAPPENED ?!E-My boyfriend was shot with a gun and he was bleeding!D-Where is he?E-My machine.We ran into the car with the doctors and he pulled Nick out of the car:D-He needs blood. As far back as I can remember his blood type 3 is positive.E- I have 3 positiveN-No you won't ...E-I won't let you die.I said this with tears rolling down my cheeks.I ran quickly and gave as much blood as needed.------- EAST --------I started all night in the hospital waiting for answers:D-Mrs. Rose.E-How's Nick?D -...

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