It's can't be true (Part 3)

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We descended to see who called the door. And to my surprise it was Thomas!

T-Elena Austin isn't here for you!

E-And not here Thomas Pertrou!

We all hugged and after a few minutes we all sat on the couch and chatted:

E-O where Mia?

T-Mia stayed home because, she feels bad.

E-Is it getting ready for a wedding?

T-How do you know?

E-Girls know everything.

T-And how are you? How's Nick?

E-I live yet. And Nick I don't know what they say exactly.


E-He's probably meeting his boyfriend now.

I told Thomas everything and he said to my surprise:

T-You really won't like it anyway, I have photos where I've seen Nick not only with guys anyway, and with girls in "Socializing" clubs.

E-You know me somehow fed up with his lies I just want to be happy with someone else. And it seems to me that, I found that person.

On these words I touched Ryland's hand and he turned to me for a while, I to him:

R-Man looks like that too.

T-And what will you do with your daughter?

E-She will be an adult for a few months so she will be able to live alone. Wait ... when did you say that, Mia feels bad you didn't ask what if it hurt?

T- She had a stomach ache and pierced her.

On these words I covered my mouth with my hands:

E- Congratulations you will soon become a father!

T- What it can't be. And how do you know?

E- Emm I might have a baby. And I know because, I have a lot of friends with whom all kinds of nausea started and when he took the test he was positive.

R-I would trust her anyway, I would still take the test.

We were still talking and I decided to check the phone and just looking at the screen there were 78 missed calls from Nick and 45 messages from Nick. I decided to turn off the phone and stay calm without thinking about anything except Ryland:

R-Thomas is gone and I want to ask you.


R-When did you say that you found something in your life that you were talking about?

E-I will not tell you the name but, I will describe it to you.


E-Jisai has brown slightly curly hair. Brown eyes in which I could drown. A very beautiful smile. He is my best friend. And his name starts with the letter R.

Ryland blushed, said:

R- Is it me?

E- How did you guess? And when you said what you were talking about?

R- She has beautiful brown hair. Has beautiful brown eyes. She is my best friend. And has very soft magnifiers. And her name starts with the letter E.

E- Is it me?

R- How did you guess?

E- You said that, my magnifiers are soft so why not make sure again that they are soft.

I kissed her and it was the most perfect feeling in the world. I forgot everything in the world at that moment. I realized that, I love Ryland and I want to be with him for the rest of my life.

Ryland POV

When Elena kissed me I remembered her dead girl ... Alison. She's like a copy of Elena and then when we kissed she was exactly the same:

R- I love you, Alison.

And here I understood what I was saying. Elena stepped back and looked me in the eye. It wasn't anger it was sadness:

E-I think I need a ride.

R-No please don't leave me.

E-Ryland you need to be alone now and think about the feelings of Alison and me. If the answer is that, you are not ready yet I will understand.

On these words I felt tears on my face. I didn't want to cry any, feelings decided I needed to. Elena picked up the phone and left when she came out I fell on the floor and started crying non-stop. I cried for a very long time before my phone rang:

R- Listen?

? -Hello you are Ryland Storms?

R- Yes oh, who's asking?

? - The nurse at St. Christopher's Hospital in Los Angeles asks you. Do you know Elena Austin?

R- Yes oh, what happened ?!

N- Mrs. Austin was involved in an accident. She is in a very bad state now but, we need more information about her. Maybe you could come?

R- Of course I will be soon.

I all the way to the hospital crying and I said to myself:

R-I can't lose her the way I lost Alison ... 

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