The headache of time travel.

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Kagome pov

I sat there watching the kids run thought there stretches as Maddy sighs. "Are you going to come out Uncle or are you going to stay in the bushes?" She asked.

"My niece is a child." a male voice said from behind us. 

"Time travel uncle." She tells him rolling her eyes as I look behind me at the silver-haired male. 

"And I should believe you because?" He asked as Maddy snorts and pushes her hair out of the way. 

"How many people have this stuck to there forehead?" She asked. 

He blinked as he walked over to us. "How did you manage to time travel?" He asked. 

"Magic old magic." She said with a shrug.

"That tells me nothing, my dear." He said. 

"That's all I know." Maddy said. 

"Surely you know more." He said. 

"Uncle I wasn't even trying to time travel my friends and I were sucked into the magic that brought us here." Maddy said. "The conduit of the magic doesn't have any magic left in it." I wince at that thought of never seeing my family again. 

"That can't." He started. 

"UNCLE!" Maddy snaps. "Will you please stop!" She snarls. "I know it doesn't make sense but when does anything the gods do make sense?"

He blinks at her he looked shocked. "You have a point." He said as we hear.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing you damn Bat!" Yuki screams from the wood. 

"It sounds like uncle Kuronue just ran into Yuki." Maddy sighed. 

"It does seem that way and the guys should be back soon with lunch." I agreed. 

"Why are males, such idiots?" Yuki asked as she stormed back into the clearing her face bright red. "Fucking perverts." She snarls as she flops down. 

"What was that for I just asked you your name." The male said as he walked out of the woods. 

"Yes after dropping in while I was changing!" She snarled. 

"Uncle Kuronue please stop Yuki calm your self, please." Maddy said as I raise an eyebrow as I looked at him. 

"MAMA!" Both of the kids cry as a rawr made me whip around and stand up as I look at them. 

"What the hell is that?" Yuki asked looking at the giant hairy demon that was following the kids. 

"Good question." I said letting lose a kuni with a low amount of spiritual power. 

It screamed as it hit it. "That seemed to do more damage then you meant to do. " Yuki said. 

"While I was hoping to stun it that did not work." I sighed as the kids ran behind me. 

"I kill you then eat you!" The thing yelled. 

"Really this again?" I snarled as it shot hair at us. we all jumped out of the way. 

"I kill you!" The thing howled. 

"You know this thing is not fun to play with." Yuki said as her whips slap away some of the hair. 

"Did not one teach you to keep your hair to yourself!" Maddy snapped as she set some on fire. 

"For fuck sake!" The bat snarled as he took flight. 

"Kids go hide!" I yelled at them 

"Yes, Mama!" They yelled. 

"Well, this is probably not the best time for the guys to be away!" Yuki snarled as she snapped her whip again. "It's too far out of my reach guys." 

"I figured go protect the kids!" I yelled as I cartwheeled out of the way of this thing. 

"Or you could stop playing with is!" Maddy yelled back at me as she burned more hair. 

"Oh fine!" I snapped and grabbed a string of hair that was near me and push a large amount of spiritual power into it sending it up and into the thing. 

"What no stop!" It yelled as it started to glow with my power and turned it into ash. 

"I was having fun playing with it." I pouted as I looked at her. 

"If it wasn't for the fact the damn thing wanted to eat us I would have let you." Maddy sighed.

 "Everything has tried to eat me or killed me at least once." I rolled my eyes at her. "Even Sesshy has tried to kill me." 

"I'm not sure if I like that fact." Maddy said. 


"Must you yell." Maddy winced as she rubs her ears. 

"Yes, I must I really must." I tell her. 

"Your voice can get really high." Kuronue whined. 

"Yes, it can." Maddy said rubbing her ears. 

"MOMMA!" Rin said as both of the kids tackle me. 

"Hey, sweetlings." I said hugging them. 

"Are you ok?" Shippo asked.

"I am fine guys." I said smiling at them. I looked up. "It feels like the guys are back." I said. 

"Where did they go anyway."

"Hunting." I said. 

"What happened here?" Tyson asked. 

"Some sort of hair demon." Yuki said. 

"Are you guys ok?" Dia asked. 

I rolled my eyes. "We are fine we know how to handle ourselves." 

"We know that." Dia said ducking behind Tyson when Yuki glared at him. 

"Are all women of your time so strong-willed?" Karama asked. 

"About 90% of them but not all of them are as feisty or hot-headed as Yuki there. " Maddy said. 

"Oh come on!" Yuki said. "I am not that hot-headed!" 

"How many times have we had to bail you out of jail?" I asked.  She said nothing to that just stuck her nose in the air. 

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