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The bar was more crowded than yesterday. Today was a friday night and it seems everybody was enjoying themselves.I was in a good mood and some how I managed to not to fret over my life. But I knew no sooner I would be. Past is something we can't change and future is something we don't know. So present is the only thing we could control.

"Earth to Camilla Barnes!" Steph grabbed me from my thoughts.

"Hey Steph" Stephanie was in a stunning fishnet dress and her dark hair curled up.

"You just left yesterday? without even saying to me!?" she made an angry face which was quite funny

"Well I thought you wouldn't appreciate to be interrupted on that hot make out session with the blonde girl" I smirked at her. She blushed lightly.

"She was worth the catch. Her lips were so soft and tempting. And we were doing fine until her boyfriend's call came."

"What?" I stared at Steph confused. Is that blonde not a lesbian!?

"Her boyfriend doesn't know that he is dating a lesbian." Steph laughed out and I chuckled.

"Wow great!" I sarcastically replied.

Suddenly yesterday's incidents again hit me up. I want to know more about this damn gang.

"Steph,Tom told me about some gang and stuff.And they control this city and something like that... do you know anything about their boss or these gang people? " I asked her casually not sounding that it concerned me. But Steph just stared at me like I was out of my mind.

"You don't know them ?" she asked shocked.

"No, why would I?"

"Oh, Cam I thought you were aware of these things when you came here."

"What do you mean?" I asked her getting slightly pissed.

"This place is controlled by the mafia for years and everyone here know that.People here live under their orders.Its been usual here." she told me in a hushed tone. " And nobody really comes here because it is like a territory. When we first met I was surprised when you said you are new here .I grew up in this city and I rarely see new people."

"So are they really terrifying and dangerous?" I asked her making my voice slightly trembling so that she may think I was afraid.

"Dangerous but not that terrifying." Steph replied with a smile and I raised my eyebrows.

"As I said I grew up in this city and I'm used to this gangs and stuff.They seem like pretty cruel and ruthless but they are not. Only meddle with them and you will see their bad side." She explained

"Wait, .. do they have any name for the gang?" I asked so that at least I will know which gang controlled this city. I know most of the gangs that exist now,or before 4 years.But I was not aware that they became this much like controlling freak.Earlier it was not even this aggressive, sure we had deadly gang wars but we were damn secretive. I still remember everything about this because you never forget your past how hard you tried.

"Dude I'm not a gang stalker,I have a job to do!" Steph replied and chuckled. She was right. After all how could she be associated with them?

Grabbing me from my thoughts she continued.

"Cam I know you must be worried because you are alone and new here, but trust me if they know to rule here then they also know how to keep the people safe here." But that was my one of my least worries, and I know how to keep me safe.

"I'm cool Steph." I replied with a smile "And I have my ways to keep me safe" I winked at her.

"Anyway it's friday so maybe they'll be here" she said looking around.

"You mean them?" I asked slightly confused. They came to the bar?

"Yes and their Boss too." Steph squealed. "Dude I'm into girls but this man is an exception!"

"Who is he?" I asked.

"He is the most dangerous and tempting person in the fucking city. When he walks he gives an aura of confidence and fear.He is the leader of this gang and he controls everything in here." while Steph told me excitedly my fear gripped me harder.

"He is the real version of a greek god Cam." I knew Steph was exaggerating and I don't give a fuck about his hotness. But if he know the real me then he would be a pain in the ass.

"Okay hon, you are exaggerating!" I sighed. But she dramatically gasped.

"Wait until you see him. You are hot enough to have a night with him."

"Oooh! Too sad I'm not here to date or have a fling" I said rolling my eyes.

"How could someone like you never wanted a fling? " she teased me. I playfully swatted her arm in response.

"Hey you never been with someone?" she asked me seriously. This is a question I was asked a lot in my past years and I always lied in response to them.

"No" I replied.

"Are you ever been in love?"

"No,it's the same question Steph." I said not understanding the depth of her question.

"Of course not darling." Steph simply replied. I grabbed two drinks for us and asked her the the same question.

"I have never been in love but had lots of flings." she laughed.

"Mm, living the life I see." I smirked at her.

Before she walked away to serve drinks I shouted "So what's his name?"

"Devil!" she said and laughed. I rolled my eyes at her cockiness.

I know I was fretting for something I'm not even sure about. Maybe he was just a gang leader who doesn't even know me. Everyone might have forgot about all those things. And I know for sure that worrying will not ease anything.

Rest of my night was normal. I served drinks and danced a little to the rhythm of the song. My shift started at 8 and now it was 11. I searched for any sign of the 'devil' and his gang. There were not here tonight. When my shift was finally over I walked to my apartment, which was just a few blocks away.

The unknown wind of the night flowed through my body like trying to calm my nerves. The sky was dark and no moon lit the night. But the bright street lights led my path. The walk was short, but the time it took felt like an eternity. Even though my legs hurt, my arms cold and my body craved for an undisturbed eternal sleep, my mind was reckless. It bought thoughts for a lifetime.I wonder if I was a poet these thoughts would be my masterpiece. Because it was not thoughts about my fear nor weakness. It was not about the 'devil' Steph mentioned nor about his gang. It was not about my sins or my regrets. And definitely not about the nasty past. It was thoughts too beautiful to be real, too hard to be stopped, too painful to be living. Because those thoughts were about a man. And the lover in me was too naive to forget him.

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