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"A vodka." A deep voice said. My eyes were granted with the vision of Areson Sainter. I grabbed a vodka from the counter and gave it to him. I looked at him who was already staring at me. My eyes were also blank, without showing any emotions that lay underneath.

Slowly his eyes wandered shamelessly, checking me out. I came here while forgetting the incident with him and but now I can't help feel angry.

I went to the crowd with a sweet smile, knowing Areson had his eyes on me. I swayed my hips and danced to the rhythm. I made my hands to move slowly and attractively and I spin around, my eyes closed and my face with a smile, more precisely a smirk. I stopped dancing and moved to the counter. I saw him at the same position, eyes darted towards me. Even though he was turned on, I could see him acting as if he was least bothered by me. But I was not done. A man came to the counter and ordered drinks, I leaned closer only to take the glass. After I poured the drink and gave to the man with a polite smile I flipped my hair over my shoulders and licked my lips. Before I can do anything I was pulled.

Areson pulled me to the wall and kept his body so close to mine. Damn! I smelled his manly cologne. When I looked into his blue eyes, I forgot to breathe. Not because he affected me so much, but because I realized it was his eye's ocean blue I had seen in my dream. He put one hand over the wall and leaned in towering me. My pulse rate increased thinking how could I possibly dream about the colour of his eyes when I had a wide variety of other options. I licked my dried lips and that instant Areson moved closer and his lips found my ear. My plan was simple. Turn him on with my dance, when he comes to me, reject him by saying he is not my type. It was all working well until he whispered something in my ear.

"Don't start playing games that you cannot stop." Oops! Last part of the plan wrecked. But I know he was controlling himself. Mustering my sweetest but so much alluring voice, I replied.

"This is not a game Mr Sainter, but if I start playing there is no going back."

He was taken aback and speechless. He must have thought while whispering with his husky voice and keeping his sexy body so close to mine, I would blush like anything and could not even frame a sentence. But he was definitely wrong. He removed his hand from the wall and looked at me with an amused expression. Yes that was only I needed. I quickly get past him to the counter with a satisfied grin knowing I've scored. Even though my plan didn't work exactly, I still managed to leave him speechless. 

I managed the night smoothly. After few minutes later I saw Areson going upstairs with Olivia. I smirked. The bad boy was still turned on.

The gang members were in the club, either chatting or making out with the bimbos. I saw Mason and a blonde furiously making out. If he wasn't stopped he would be giving us a live show. I rolled my eyes at them and shouted."Get a room Mason!"

He heard me and gave me a thumbs up without breaking 'whatever they were doing'. 


Two weeks had passed like a blink. And everything was normal. I became too close with Steph, even though I tried to make a distance I couldn't. She was a package of adventure and thrill. I learnt new things from her. Our free times were spent together as hang outs,films and sleep overs. In a short period of time we became good friends. And it always hurt to think about leaving this place without Steph.

Another thing was that I never met Sainter after that incident. For two weeks he didn't come to the club nor any of his dudes. I completely forget about him, but I still dream about the colour of his eyes- ocean blue. Tom told me to take up the extra hours for one more week, not that I'm complaining. Because being alone in my apartment makes me gloomy. Being alone means dreaming for me. And sometimes I lose my mind, because some dreams became my reality, as if I was still with him.

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