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Five years ago : At the spark of the midnight

There was a ear splitting sound of a crash. The loud noise was something completely unusual at the hour of midnight. Like a needle piercing the scary silence of the dark, the voice vibrated. In the very next second I found myself in the air, my car flying over and my hands moving away from the steering wheel. For a moment I was unconscious but when I opened by eyes I felt myself in the middle of utter chaos.

Blood. Wrecked car. Loud crash.

After a moment of silence in my body, the pain screamed through every pores of my cells. I lay there helplessly watching the sky that was pitch black and blurring due to my tears. The night was so empty and dark, even the sky didn't lit a single star. Afraid and dark I called for help, but my voice seemed to hide in my throat, my body refused to move but my blood was oozing out like anything.

What was it? An incomplete paradox? An illusion?

I attempted to close my eyes hoping this was only another nightmare. But why was it feeling so real? The pain became unbearable as it started to penetrate my soul into dark holes. I clutched my abdomen where blood flowed out. Whimpering in pain, I called for help. Neither my voice came nor anyone heard it. Even the sky that I adored too much betrayed me, the silence whispering me the truth which I refused to believe.

Am I going to die?

Why me God? I cried, feeling the reality hitting me like a thousand times more painful than the crash.

Out of nowhere I saw someone approaching me. Slowly, cautiously taking small steps closer to me. I could barely make out the stranger's face but I was sure it was a girl. Was she an angel sent to save me? She moved closer, her emerald eyes gleaming. Though my visions were blacking out I saw something unwritten in her eyes. She was trying to tell me something, her words I cannot hear anymore. She gently touched my palm which was drenched in blood. Her touch was heavenly but at the same time so cold. Knowing I got no time, I managed to take out my long chain with a beautiful pendant from my neck which holds something so pure and divine and kept it her hands.

Though the darkness was consuming me, I sensed her pretty face eyeing me with confusion. I whispered to her but she couldn't hear. I tried my best and did the same again. My voice barely audible.

"Give...this..." I couldn't complete it, again I tried.

"Give" I told her. My lips trembling, my tears flowing. This was the least I could do for him.

She looked at me again, her eyes the only thing sparkling in the dark night; containing so much emotions. She eyed the pendant I gave her. I want to tell her his name but before that I was falling to a dark abyss, so dark that I was blinded. Slowly closing my eyes, I wished when I open them to see him again because he deserve a better goodbye from me.

Amanda Rogers

It was a long forgotten memory. A memory that was old but deep though. Salander's murder was a planned one. In fact I was planning that for long. But that memory was just as an old as the many memories that lay behind the lane. What is important is that how Areson found about it. His sources were good enough to be true. All of them were staring at me, digesting the fact I told them. They looked sorry, as if it still affected me. Of course it still affect me but not so hard. Because when new experiences come along we forget the old ones.

"How did you know it was me who killed Salander?"

"We have sources." Fred replied, not revealing anything.

"What exactly are your sources?" again I asked them.

"We can't tell you. Because you are not in our gang for now." He told me. I can't argue more, they were right.

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