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"Boss?" Tom's small voice brought me back to reality. Boss? So this is the 'devil' Steph mentioned. My eyes roam all over his face. That intent stare, chiseled jawline, silky dark brownish hair, light pink lips. He is sinfully handsome. While I admire his features his eyes gazed into my green ones. I was afraid that if his traumatizing stare had the power to unfold all my secrets.

"You heard me Tom." he said in a calm tone that none could defy. "She is new here and she need to learn. So she won't be fired." He continued as if I was not there.

"Yes boss." Tom replied as an obedient student. Without a glance to my side he left the room. That instance I understood he was indeed a man of power. But wait where are you going? I want to go after him and ask him why he didn't fire me. 'She is new here and she need to learn' as if I'm still in high school! I need a real reason. Fine. I'm being nosy, but if he had any other intentions while keeping me here I need to know that.

"So Camilla I think now you have met our boss, Areson Sainter. "

Areson Sainter! Not familiar.

"He says, we obey. So you're lucky for today, you won't be fired. But you'll need to take up extra hours for your shit excluding your shift." He said in a serious tone.

"I'll do that,thank you Tom." I said quickly and walked out of the room to find Areson Sainter. My mind was clouded with questions. I know my sudden urge to go after him was a stupid one. But still something about him dragged me closer to him. And I know it is definitely not his damn looks even though that one is a fine piece of art. If he knew me, if he wanted me back, then he shouldn't lie.

I ran through the hallway to find him, thinking he might be in the bar. I quickly walked through the steps and reached the bar. It's funny how contradict my thoughts and actions were. Today morning I didn't give a shit about him and his gang and now look what I'm doing. The bar was still crowded, same make outs and dancing figures. I searched him in the bar and no sign of him. But the other members of the gang were there. When I made sure he is not inside I headed outside. Gotcha! and then I found him. I saw his tall silhouette outside. He was alone and I was facing his backside. His broad shoulders and muscles barely visible in the dark. Of course he was a devil indeed. Mustering my courage I walked closer. Sensing my presence he turned to face me. Once again I saw the ocean blue eyes. But this time I was ready for them. His eyes raked over my body and for an unknown reason I felt my heart beating rapidly.

Even though we were not too close I could still sense the aura of danger and mystery lurking around him. His eyes bore into mine. He was a storm that no one dared to control. I felt him like a raging lion in which all his wildness were perfectly engraved. He seemed to be the one who forgot how to smile a long time ago. A handsome face like that deserve a better heart. But who am I to judge too quickly while my life is nothing but a lie.

Before I could say anything he said with a blank face.

"I'm not into auburn hairs. I only choose blondes." My eyes widened. And I held back my urge to slap him on the face. The fucking prick! I glared at him.

"I'm sorry , if you want me that much, then you can have one of my dudes." He mocked me.  This man surely needs to know how to talk to women.

"I came here to ask you why you didn't fire me?" I asked quickly before he could cut me off.

"I've already said why." He replied in an uninterested way.


"I told you I only choose blondes!" Geez! What the hell is wrong with this man?

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