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"We are running out of food, H," Louis says, standing at the fridge with a pout on his face. "I'm starving..."

"We just ate..." Harry chuckles, taking a sip of his orange juice. "But yeah, we are running out of stuff. We should probably go out and get some groceries."

"Okay!" Louis closes the fridge and turns to Harry. "I'll go get dressed and write a note on what I need!" Louis smiles and pecks Harry's cheek as he walks past him. "I'll be quick!"


"We should have taken the car," Louis shivers as the rain pours, saturating himself and Harry.

They walk down the path, bags full of shopping in their hands. "At least we are getting some exercise," Harry yells, eyes widening when a crash of thunder rumbles through the sky.

Louis let's out a squeak, jumping a little. He moves closer to Harry, biting his lower lip.

They continue walking a little further down the road before Louis is letting out a loud gasp. "Hazza look!"

The smaller boy points the shivering, dirty dog that is on the side of the road. Louis drops his bags and rushed over to it. "Hi," he says softly, holding his hand up to the dog to smell it.

The small, white dog stands and shakily walks to Louis, his eyes wide and scared. Louis looks back at Harry who is picking up the stuff he had dropped and then back to the dog. "Harry... He doesn't have a collar."

Harry walks slowly up to them, not wanting to frighten the small puppy. "We can't leave him out here..."

"The vet isn't open. So we can't check if he has a microchip... Can we take him home?" Louis pouts, laughing as the dog jumps up onto him.

"It is your house, Lou," Harry smiles at the two. "I think it is a good idea though... I'll carry these, you carry him and then I'll go back down to the shops to get some dog stuff."

"Hear that? You're coming home with me!" Louis whispers to the small, fluffy animal.

A/N: Thoughts? :) xo

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