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Louis wakes up in Harry's arms, face squashed against his chest. The small boy groans softly as the throbbing in his head intensifies.

Louis feels Harry stir underneath him and looks up at him from under his lashes. "Hi," Louis mumbles, his voice raspier than usual.

"Morning," Harry mumbles, placing his large hand on Louis' flushed cheek. "You feel okay?"

Louis shakes his head and pouts. "My head hurts and I feel sick..."

"Okay, Bubba," Harry attempts to sit up, struggling when Louis latches onto him.

"No," Louis whines with a cute pout, that makes Harry coo. "I want cuddles."

"And I want to make you feel better, darling. I'll get you a panadol, some tea and some breakfast if you're hungry? And then we can watch a movie in bed, yeah?"

"Okay!" Louis smiles, rolling off Harry, the comforter coming with him.

Harry grins cheekily and leans over to wrap his arm over Louis, blowing a raspberry on his neck making the boy erupt in giggles.

"Stop," Louis giggles, placing his hands into Harry's hair to pull him away.

Harry moans at the tug of his hair and gasps a little. "Shit-I"

Louis releases the locks, his hand falling onto his stomach. He swallows thickly and blushes, biting his lip. "I want bacon."

"Yes, princess."

A/N: I hope you enjoyed!

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