DAY 34

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Louis' fingers are drawing shapes on Harry's chest as they lay in the bathtub. The water has started cooling down since they got in, the bubbles slowly disappearing and leaving more and more clear water.

Harry's skin looks golden, Louis thinks as he traces the sparrows on the man's collarbones. He quickly pecks one of the birds before his fingers glide to the 17black tattoo.

"What was that for?" Harry's voice breaks the silence, but not the trance Louis is in. The smaller just shrugs in response. His fingers are dancing down Harry's chest until Louis stops and lays his hands flat against Harry's pecks.

"You're beautiful," Louis whispers, eyes locking with Harry's. "So handsome."

Harry's chuckles fill the bathroom and with a shake of the head he is ready to deny, "you're the beautiful one, darling."

Lips lock for just a second as Harry's mouth is on a mission, travelling up Louis' jaw towards his ear. "Let me show you how beautiful I think you are."

And all Louis can do is whimper, his face nestling against Harry's collarbone. The man's hands are large and hug his curves as they make their way down his back, cupping his bum. A squeeze has Louis biting down on Harry's neck and as a finger starts circling his hole, Louis starts sucking purple bruises into the skin.

One finger pumping in and out of his hole, quickly turns into two fingers, curling to hit his prostate with ease. Louis lets out a loud whine of Harry's name as his mind fogs up and all he can think, see, feel, smell is Harry Harry Harry.

"Louis, Louis, Louis."



Louis' eyelashes flutter as he slowly wakes up. He is immediately met with Harry. Harry Harry Harry.


"I'm here," Harry's soft voice is comforting, as always, "did you have a bad dream, love? You kept yelling my name, so I thought you might have been in danger."

"No," Louis' voice comes out shaky as he is now well aware of the throbbing in his groin. "No, actually, it was a good dream."

Very good.

"Oh! Sorry for waking you up! What was it about?" Harry sits up, ever so eager to hear about Louis' life.

And he is sitting so close, all Louis can do is show him. Louis quickly moves from his half seated position to sitting up and on Harry's lap. And he licks into Harry's mouth desperately.

"L-Lou, what was the dream abou- oh." Harry's sentence is cut short as Louis grinds his hard cock down on Harry's.

"Dreamt about your fingers, your mouth, your-" A loud moan leaves his mouth. He grinds down harder and faster, his face finding it's spot in Harry's neck again, as he mimics his dream.

As Louis starts sucking bruises into Harry's neck, the man grabs onto Louis' panty-clad bum. Squeezing, just like he had done in the dream.

"Fuck me."

"Wait!" Harry says with a stern tone, grabbing onto Louis' chin to make his boy look at him. "You're sure?"

"Yes," Louis nods, pecking Harry's lips, "Love you."

"Love you more." And without further ado, Harry easily flips Louis over, with his bum in the air. Harry's fingers skillfully push his panties to the side. "Beautiful."

A whimper leaves Louis mouth as Harry's is placed on his bum, a tongue skillfully licking into his hole.

"Harry, Harry, Harry." Louis' screams are louder than when he was dreaming, cause no dream could ever be as good as his boyfriend in reality. "More, more, more!"

And more is what he gets because before he knows it, Harry's boxers and his panties are discarded and he is quickly lathering lube onto Harry's cock, maybe wasting a little more time than necessary but he just loves seeing Harry fall apart when he is touching him. His boyfriend's pink mouth is open and bitten raw as he presses his thumb to the head, quickly stroking the base.

"Lou, stop, I'm going to come," Harry's voice is breathy, his eyes are glazed over as he looks at Louis with nothing but love. "Wanna cum with you."

Harry presses his cock against Louis' hole as their lips lock, tongues messily dancing as he fills Louis up. Deeper, deeper, deeper.

Louis's never been so deep in love.

A/N: once again thank you to my best friend, Larry_smilinson for the smut. 😍 love you!

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