A New Life and a New Companion

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'Even if I'll never have superpowers... Even if everyone thinks that I'm useless... I just wanted to have a power, to help people with a smile on my face like he does.' Izuku though as he opened his eyes. He took in his surroundings, taking note of the fish pond he was propped up against and the small puddle of blood on the ground near him. "Wait, I... I know I jumped, I should be dead."

"Well yes, but thanks to me actually no." An unknown voice said in front of Izuku. Izuku turned to the voice to find a little floating ball. 


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"Who.... what are you?" Izuku asked backing further into the wall.

"I'm a ghost, actually now I'm  your ghost. And well, you did in fact die upon impact." The orb, now introduced as Izuku's Ghost explained.

"Then how am I here?" Izuku asked his Ghost.
"That is a part of why I'm here. You have been resurrected by the light, you are what is referred to as a guardian. In time you will learn to wield the light as a weapon hunt... no tita... no warl... this is strange, you aren't bound to any one class." Ghost began to mutter to himself.
"What are the classes, what is the light, how did it bring me back to life?" Izuku asked.

"Let's start with the light, the light is a gift from the Traveler. The Traveler in the past gifted humanity with vast knowledge of the cosmos, and made planets like Mars and Venus habitable. Humanity begun to spread to these planets and human life span all but tripled." The Ghost began to explain.

"But what does this have to with me and why can't we travel to those planets now?" Izuku asked.

"Well with the light, the darkness always follows. Where humanity had a golden age of information and technology, the darkness came and the collapse of humanity occurred. Some survived and begun to wander the desolate wastes of Earth, banding together. Most united under the Traveler which had laid dormant over what you know as Russia. But before this, it sent out the ghosts, like me. Our duty was to find warriors worthy to wield the light and fight back the darkness, the Guardians. Now Guardians could be separated into three classes. Hunters specialized in agile, stealthy attacks and were known to work alone. But while they like to work alone, a fireteam with a hunter could always be a tough opponent. Titans, the brutish, strength types who stuck with their fireteam. While slow and hard to kill, one could change the tide of a battle with only their fists. The lastly the warlocks, the intelligent scholars who always had a plan in a fight. While known for their books, they weren't afraid to jump into the fray of things." Ghost continued to explain.

"So this Darkness, was it defeated? We can't travel to other planets now, and this Traveler isn't anywhere that I know of."

"The Darkness was pushed back by the Guardians, there was one in particular who always seemed to find there way into battle. But the fight that pushed it back weakened the Traveler and it's blessing on humanity. The planets lost their given atmosphere, the Last City was all but destroyed, and any alien race went back to their home world to most likely recollect themselves. Guardians lost their light as the Traveler disappeared and lived normal lives from then on. Ghosts where no longer born, and the age of the Last City drew to an end. Humanity spread out once again as Earth healed itself. Most tech was lost due to it not being of use any longer. But now I was born. My know mission was to find you, and all I know is that you will be the last, but greatest Guardian to be re-birthed in the Light." Ghost said.

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