Preference- How you met part 1

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This is general for everyone- Amos, one of your dad's friends came over to your house. He and your dad had a whispered heated argument, seemingly about you. It looked like Amos was winning. They finally came to you and Amos told your dad,"Come on D/N, it's about time you tell her," Your dad sighed and told you, "Y/N, yer a magician," (Harry Potter, anybody?) You snorted and rolled your eyes,"You think I don't know that? It was obvious. You werent being real subtle, you know?"
Amos chuckled a bit. D/N rolled his eyes and said, "Well then let's skip the lecture and directly send you to the 21st nome," "Yeah, I guess," You replied. Amos said, "Come on then," and took you through a portal into the duat. You already knew about these stuff because you heard your parents discuss about this.
Carter - Amos showed you around the 21st nome. You asked Amos, "Which pharaohs am I descended from?" He replied, "Hatshephut and Khufu," "Agh, agh," a voice came from behind. You turned around and saw a baboon. Amos smiled,"No Khufu, we weren't talking about you. Y/N, this is Khufu, our resident baboon," "Hello, Khufu," you said. A voice came from upstairs, "Amos, someone set my room on fire again," Amos sighed and said,"Ugh, Carter, it's obviously Zia, you shouldn't have broken up with her," "I know, Amos, but I need a spell, not relationship advice," The voice said, as the owner of said voice came into the room. He was a guy with curly brown hair, dark skin and regal features. He saw me, "New initiate?" Amos nodded,"Yeah,her name is Y/N," He smiled, " I am Carter, nice to meet you, Y/N," You smiled back, "You too," Little did you know, you both were thinking the same thing, "Gorgeous,"
Sadie - It has been a couple of weeks since you came to 21st Nome. You and Carter hit it off immediately. You also became quite friendly with everyone else in the House of Life except Sadie. That was because you hadn't met her yet. She had apparently gone on a quest. Anyway, here you were, 2 weeks after your arrival, crawling on all fours, looking under the couch in the Great room for your phone. You couldn't find it anywhere. You yelled,"Carter!" "What?" Came the response. "I can't find my phone anywhere," "I don't have it," " I know that, you doofus, I want you to call my phone so I can find it," Carter came walking into the room and said,"I would love to help but my phone battery is about to die and I just connected it to the charger," You heard a voice from the doorway,"I can call your phone,". You turned around to see a girl with long caramel colored hair with f/c streaks down her left. It was like she knew you before even meeting you. Her eyes were a beautiful blue color, filled with mischief. You may have been staring because the girl said, "Hello," "Oh sorry, I was just wondering who you were," Carter said from behind you,"That is my annoying sister, Sadie," You shook her hand and said,"Well it's a pleasure meeting you, but can you please call my phone, my mom sent me a very important text," She nodded,"Tell me your phone number and I'll do it," "You gave her your phone number and she called you. Your ringtone, Lily by Alan Walker played in a muffled way as it was between the couch cushions. Sadie smiled,"Lily? I thought I was the only one who knew that song," You laughed,"So did I," "Wait, you didn't tell me your name," "Oh, right, I am y/n," "Well y/n it's been delightful,"
Zia - You were talking to Amos, discussing what your specialty might be, when someone burst into the House of Life. It was a girl with coppery skin, amber red eyes and choppy dark hair that reached her jawline. She was about to tell Amos something when she saw you. She smiled slightly, "New initiate?" "You nodded, "Yep, I am y/n," She said, "I am Zia. Anyway, Chief Lector, you are needed at the first Nome, now," Amos smiled and nodded. He turned towards you and said,"I have to go, so bye," Zia and Amos went outside the door. Suddenly Zia came back and said, "It has been a pleasure meeting you,"
Walt - It's been a few weeks since you "found out" you were a magician. Your specialty was water elemental magic. You were practicing your magic in your room, when Carter called you. You walked until the end of the room and then slipped on the water you summoned using magic. You closed your eyes, bracing yourself for the fall, but it didn't come. A strong pair of hands caught you. You stood up and said,"Thanks," The mystery person said, "You're welcome," The guy was tall, fit and really good looking. He had coffee colored skin and black hair in a buzz cut. He said, "You must be the new initiate, I am Walt," "Hi Walt, I am y/n, not 'the new initiate'," He smiled,"It's nice meeting you," "You too, but Carter just called me, so bye,"
Jaz - A week later, you were sent with Sadie to get some groceries. A monster attacked you guys on the way back. Sadie escaped with a few scratches bit you weren't so lucky. You had a huge wound on your stomach and by the time, Sadie got you to the 21st Nome, you were out cold. When you came to, you were in the infirmary. You tried to get up but a searing pain shot through your body. You groaned in pain and fell back into bed. A girl, who you assumed was a healer, came over and said,"Good, you are awake," "Appears I am, are you the one who saved my life?" "You could say that. I am Jaz Anderson, you are?" "Y/N L/N. Nice meeting you," "You too, now stay still,"
Julian- You walked into your room after the tour of Brooklyn House. When you opened the door, a bucket of paint fell on your head. It was (least favourite colour). You stormed into the great room, where everyone were doing something or the other. You announced, "Hi, I am y/n, the new initiate. And whoever did this is going to get a hug," I immediately noticed Sadie and two guys looking scared. You smirked,"Were you the mastermind, Sadie, or was it someone else?" She immediately said, "It was Julian," and pointed to the guy sitting next to her. He had blonde hair and was wearing glasses. He gulped and said, "Sorry," You smiled,"It's cool. And just to prove that..." You went up to him and hugged him, covering him in paint, "You know what, now we are cool," You said smirked and walked away. Julian asked,"Hey, what's your name?" "Y/N"

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