Clueless - Carter x reader one shot

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This was requested byUltimateHufflepuff. Also there is mild swearing. I keep forgetting the disclaimer. I am not Uncle Rick. I don't own the characters, and I don't own you guys
"Y/N, you are new here, so please behave yourself," my dad's best friend, Amos, who was like a cool uncle to me, said. I gasped overdramatically and said, "I'm wounded, Amos, do you really think I won't behave myself," "Of course not, I know you won't behave yourself," "It is wonderful to know you trust me so much," We reached an abandoned warehouse. I said sarcastically, "Wow, this your mansion huh, I'm impressed," I rolled your eyes. Amos said, "Look up,"  I did. My jaw dropped at the sight in front of me. A mansion was perched on top of the warehouse. A five floor mansion. I collected my jaw from the floor and said, "H-h-how is that possible? It defies literally every law of physics in existence," "N/N, honey, you are a literal magician and you are wondering about physics," "Whatever, and don't call me honey," He sighed and led the way into the mansion. I should probably back up and explain what the heck is going on, only problem, I have no idea what the heck is going on. Today morning, my parents and Amos decided to inform me about the fact that I am the part of a  whacky Egyptian universe and that I am a magician. I decided to play it cool and be my usual self, but I was secretly freaking out. Amos said, "After you," "How-" "How do you think?" You sighed, "Amos, honestly I have no freaking idea," but my instincts took over and I put my hand on the door and it vanished. Amos looked incredibly impressed. You were shocked, "How did I do that," He said, "I'll explain everything to you later," "That's what everyone says. Please tell me what is happening," As you went inside, you were shocked into silence. "Whoa, what is this place," "The great room," It was magestic. And full of people. A guy with brown hair whistled, "Who is this pretty lass," he said with a strong Irish accent. "Sean, don't flirt with her, not all girls like you," A guy with curly brown hair and tan skin said. "Sean" rolled his eyes and said, "Whatever Carter," "Carter, can you please show Y/N around and explain stuff to her," "Of course, come along Y/N," I nodded and followed him. A cat walked past my leg and suddenly transformed into a woman with feline features and walked away from us. I yelped, "What was that?" Carter responded, "Our cat," "She literally turned into a human," He laughed and said, "Honestly don't you know anything about Egyptian mythology?" I answered truthfully, "Only that all gods have animal heads," Carter rolled his eyes and said,"That is not how they always appear. Sometimes in completely human form and sometimes in completely animal form. The animal heads thing is to show how they can in the duat and here at the same time," I was eternally confused, "For the love of all things f/c, what is the duat," "Duat is the realm of the dead in ancient Egyptian mythology. It has been represented in hieroglyphs as a star-in-circle," I blinked, "Did you copy that of Wikipedia or something?" "He probably did," A girl said. She had caramel coloured hair with purple streaks streaming down her left and blue eyes. Carter said, "That is Sadie, my sister,"  I waved and said, "Nice meeting you, now Mr Encyclopaedia, shall we?" Sadie laughed and went wherever she was going. "Mr Encyclopaedia?! That's worse than Mr Wikipedia," "Could you just continue?" "Alright then," We went to the statue in the middle of the room. Carter started behaving like a tour guide and said, "This is Thoth,-" "Is he the god of storks or something? Is he like in charge of the delivery storks and stuff?" "What?" "Haven't you watched the movie Storks?" Carter rolled his eyes and said, "This shows you don't know mythology and biology," "Whatever, what is he anyway?" "He is an ibis, Thoth is the god of intelligence and stuff," "Oh," He showed me the pictures of all the gods. He didn't seem too pleased when I called Horus Chicken Man.
Carter's P.O.V
Gods of Eternal Egypt! This new initiate Y/N is so annoying. Chicken man, storks, I mean what? I put my annoyance aside but I am pretty sure she figured it out because she was somewhat quite until we reached the library. I told her, "We need to find your speciality," "Well I can dance, sing and other stuff but I don't know if that counts," That's it. I snapped, "Could you shut up?! You have been annoying me since you came here. Calling me Mr Encyclopaedia, calling Horus Chicken Man, thinking Thoth is the god of storks, talking about your stupid talents when I talked about magic speciality. What is your problem?" I looked at Y/N, who had tears in her e/c eyes. I instantly felt bad. But before I could apologize, she yelled back, "What is my problem? My problem is that I just came to know I am a fucking magician. I just came to know that animal headed gods exist, and don't say anything about the duat or whatever. I just came to know that my dad had a god in his head. And how am I taking it? Horribly! But I am trying to cover that up with my cluelessness. Yes, I know that I am annoying you, but I thought you would be more considerate, but no. You are an asshole about it. Haven't you ever been in this situation before? You may have not, because you are Mr Encyclopaedia," By the time she finished yelling, tears were rolling down her cheeks. I felt really bad. I said, my voice soft, "I am so sorry I yelled at you like that. I should have shown a little more patience," She wiped away her tears and said, "Whatever," I wasn't forgiven, I knew that, but I just continued with the tour. I duelled against her and found out she was a healer. I said, "Healing, huh, pretty cool," She ignored me and seemed too interested in the library. She got her magic kit. I took her to lunch after sometime. She ate her lunch quietly. She didn't talk to me at all. People kept shooting questions at her, "She answered them all with a smile, but I could see that expression which I see in Dad's face sometimes when he gets bombarded with so many questions. He answers all of them but he doesn't want to. I wanted to help. I remembered something Amos said about her being able to cure nosebleeds. I took a ketchup packet from the table and created a nosebleed with it. I exclaimed, "Ow! Can someone help?" Y/N rolled her eyes and sighed, "I can, but we need to go to the bathroom," I led the way, and on the way, I created an actual nosebleed. We went to the bathroom. She made me sit on the toilet seat, washed my nose and managed to stop the nosebleed, which was really surprising, because my nosebleeds went on forever. I said, "Thank you," She smirked, "I saw you pour ketchup on your nose," "And then I converted it to an actual nosebleed," "Whatever," "Hey, look, I really meant it when I apologized. I am sorry. Hope we can start over," I extended my arm for a handshake. She looked at me for a few seconds, glaring. Then she burst out laughing, "You are so easily fooled!" "What the-" "I was mad at you at first. Then I realised you actually meant it. I just wanted to see if you would leave me alone or keep pestering me. You are cool," She shook my hand, "Maybe you are not so bad, Carter," "Maybe you are not so bad too, Y/N," She walked out and went downstairs. I was smiling, which was dreamier than I thought. I then realised, I have fallen for the beautiful clueless healer.

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