Important A/N

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Hey, guys. I am so mad at JKR right now. If you are not a part of the HP fandom, 1) You may not get it, and 2)WHAT ARE YOU DOING? JOIN IT!! Okay, now you might think I support JKR, but no. I don't. I'm all for the LGBTQIA+ movement (did i get it right? I hope I did) I'm offended at what JKR said. If she is reading this, which she probably isn't, I have 2 words for her- Screw you. You made so many people feel hurt and offended and attacked. I loked up to her, and she does something like this. Now, I considered leaving the fandom but I didn't. I love Harry Potter and the fandom too much. If anyone wants to leave the fandom, I'm not gonna stop you. But I wanna tell you something Y'know what? I'll give you a hypothetical situation for that. In your school, there is this kid- popular, really nice, your only source of joy, your best friend, your stress buster, your basically everything. You're very fond of the parents of the kid well. Until, the parent(s) makes an offensive or hurting comment. Does it seem fair to hate on the kid for something the parent(s) did? Now, let's replace kid with Harry Potter and parent with JKR. See what I'm talking about. Hate JKR all you want, but don't feel forced to leave the HP fandom for something JKR said. Keep loving Harry Potter, keep being a Potterhead. If you actually, genuinely wanna leave, I will not stop you, but just keep this in mind

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