One shot - Carter x reader- Dance with me

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You just finished a day of training and school, and you went to your room and collapsed on your bed. You connected your phone to the stereo system and played a few songs. Somewhere in between, Havana by Camilla Cabello began to play. You started dancing

Just as the song was finishing, you turned around and saw Carter leaning against the door frame. You smiled,"Hey," "Hey, you are a really good dancer," " Thanks" Just then Closer by the Chainsmokers started playing. You said, "Dance with me," He hesitated but you dragged him close to you. You didn't know where this boldness was coming from but you liked it. The lyrics started and so did you two

The song ended and you both were in a very intimate position. His arms held your waist and your arms were wrapped around his neck. Your faces were so close, if one of you leaned forward, you would kiss. Both of you did, and your lips crashed. Your lips moulded into his like a puzzle piece, it fit perfectly.
A few months later, you were in battle with a monster of some sort. You were in a dance club, you guys had come to chill, but a monster attacked. You were fighting with all your might, but suddenly you felt a searing pain course through your body. You yelled in pain. The monster pushed you to the wall. Red and Black spots danced in your eyes. Carter forgot the monster and ran to you. "Y/N! NOOO!" You breathed shakily,"Carter, I love you," That was your first and last 'I love you' and your last words. Carter started sobbing uncontrollably, "I love you too, Y/N, please don't leave me," Just then Closer by the Chainsmokers started playing. Carter felt his heart break as he held your lifeless body. He whispered, "Dance with me,"

Kane Chronicles x reader one shots and preferencesWhere stories live. Discover now