Harry Potter- Sadie x reader one shot

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A/N: This was requested byUlrica13 , well a Sadie x reader was requested. Hope you like it.
It was July 31st, which only meant one thing to you. Harry Potter's birthday. You got up humming Hedwig's theme, took a shower and got decked out in Harry Potter (y/h) merchandise. You went downstairs for breakfast. Carter just rolled his eyes and continued eating his breakfast. Meanwhile Sadie was ogling you. "What?" "Why are you dressed like that?" You gasped, horrified,"It is Harry Potter's birthday," "Oh, you like Harry Potter? I don't like them much," "YOU ARE FROM LONDON AND YOU DON'T LIKE HARRY POTTER! WHAT KIND OF A PERSON ARE YOU? WAIT, AFTER BREAKFAST, WE ARE HAVING A HARRY POTTER MARATHON,"" But-" " Bup bup bup, no buts," She sighed, "Fine" You both finished your breakfast and went to your room. You took some food along with you. You switched on the TV and played the Sorcerer's stone on it.
Le timeskippity brought to you by Carter in a skirt.
You were watching the Deathly hallows part 2. You were watching the scene where Bellatrix Lestrange was torturing Hermione. You were bawling your eyes out and Sadie was trying real hard not to cry. "You can cry, you know?" You said. Sadie said," I'm not crying," "Sure" you said"but I am" and cried into her shoulder. Little did you know Sadie was a blushing tomato.
Another time skip brought to you by Snape in Neville's grandma's clothes.
The movie was reaching the end. Well, almost. It was the cup scene. Ron and Hermione started kissing. You and Sadie were cuddling because you didn't wanna let go after crying into her shoulder. Sadie was playing with your hair. You turned around to meet her eyes, "If you could be with someone in that situation, who would it be?" She stayed quiet for a while until she whispered, "You," You were shocked but you quickly recovered and smiled at her,"I totally feel the same way," She smiled and before she could say anything, you kissed her, wrapping your arms around her neck. She responded immediately, her arm around your waist tightening. Her other arm found its way to your hair. You were like that for some time when Carter walked in saying,"Can I join you guys-" You both quickly broke apart. Carter smirked and said,"Well you can continue and I will sit here quietly watching the movie," "SHUT UP CARTER!" You both yelled together. He sat down at the couch and watched the movie with you guys. You cuddled up to Sadie and she wrapped her arms around your shoulders. You were content. You were happy.
A/N: If you are not a Potterhead, just roll with it. Also, if anyone has any requests, please comment or DM them. thanks a lot in advance

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