Platonic!Carter x Delilah Jackson

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This is a request for @MaggieMomoKia16. Hope you like it.

Carter's POV

I looked into the screen to see Delilah's smiling face. The sister I never had, sorry Sadie. Her chocolate brown eyes were twinkling with the same mischief as her brother. Her raven hair was in a messy bun. I told her, "Hey D, guess what? Zia and I got together. You were the first one to 'ship' us, remember?" Her smile didn't waver. She didn't say anything, as if egging me to say more.

 I did, "She is the best girlfriend I could ask for. Wish you weren't in camp visiting your brother, you could see us in our happy relationship," No response.

 "Sadie got together with  Walt and Anubis. How, you ask? Walt is the first Eye of Anubis. Yup, Eye of Anubis. Now, she won't complain anymore on how stupid her boy problems are," She silently egged me on.

"Amos is now Chief Lector but you already know that," Delilah kept smiling. "Zia goes there every once in a while to help Amos with his duties. She is so thoughtful," I chuckled.

"Sadie and Zia are actually really friendly," I continued. "It is sorta a good thing they get along. I don't want a girlfriend my sister would hate. But, there are disadvantages as well. Sadie keeps embarrassing me in front of Zia. It is so annoying,"  I groaned lightly

"Now, tell me about yourself," I egged her. "Have you gotten together with Nico yet? I bet you have. Tell him if he breaks your heart, he will have me to deal with,"

 I had tears in my eyes by now. They wouldn't fall though.

"How- How's Percy? Annabeth? Are you happy?" my voice was breaking by now. Zia and Sadie came inside my room. They saw me talking to D and Zia sat down beside me, "It's been 6 months. You have to stop," Sadie sat down by my other side and said, "Yeah, Carter, it's becoming unhealthy," "What is unhealthy in talking to my best friend?" "You know exactly what we are talking about," Sadie said. I asked Delilah, "What is so unhealthy about talking to my best friend," The brunette didn't respond. How can she? Dead people's photos can't exactly talk to you. The tears in my eyes fell out. "I miss her, I miss her so much,"

Delilah had gone to Camp Half-Blood. She told us she would be back in a week after visiting Percy. She said she would bring Percy along as well. We were all waiting  anxiously for her to come. The door opened. I went to hug Delilah, but only Percy was there. Delilah wasn't. He said they burnt her in Camp Half-Blood itself and gave me the ashes. I couldn't believe it. My best friend. My sister from another mister. My Delilah. Gone. I just couldn't believe it. 

"We miss her too, but you have to move on," I looked at the photo, "Please tell me something, D," I half hoped the picture to come alive. But it didn't. It stayed lifeless, like her.

Sorry @MaggieMomoKia16, I had to kill you. But I hope you liked it. 

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