Walt x reader one shot- A kiss in the rain

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(You both are already dating in this) You just finished training a new initiate who was a water elementalist. you went looking for your boyfriend, Walt. You picked up some food and went to his room. You knew he'd be hungry. You went in, saying, "Yo, Stone, I got you some-" You cut yourself off as you saw Walt, your boyfriend, kissing another girl. You recognized her as Brie (change if your name is Brie), a new initiate. Walt immediately broke the kiss and started, "Y/N it's -" "-not what it looks like? How many people have used that? I thought we had something, but I obviously was wrong," You, without knowing why, threw the food packet at his face and stormed to your room.You threw yourself on bed and started crying.your cousin Carter (your dad is Amos in this. i just wanted overprotective brother Carter in this) came into the room, "Hey, N/N, it's din- Hey, what's wrong?" You told everything, "I sometimes wonder whether I am not good enough for anyone. I wonder if people bullied me in school because what they said is true, whether I really am a freak, a nobody, an ugly bitch-" Carter cut me off, "Don't ever say that. The people in school and Walt don't realize your worth. You know how you said you aren't good enough for everyone? It's actually the other way around, no one's good enough for you. You are the most unique, beautiful and wonderful person I know. Never think like that about yourself ever again, okay?" You wiped off your tears and managed a small smile. You nodded, "Thanks Carter," "You're welcome. Now, I'm going to beat the shit out of Walt," I said, "It's wonderful to see you are finally swearing openly in English, but no,"  "That asshole hurt you. You expect me to sit quietly?" I said, "No, but I don't want you to fight my battles, okay? Now, it's getting late. You better go eat," "You?" "Not hungry, i'll go for a walk," "It's pouring outside," "I love the rain," Before he could protest, you went to the porch and jumped. Using magic, I landed safely. I quietly walked across the East river. You sat down at the edge of the river after sometime. You were getting soaked but you didn't mind (Sorry if you hate the rain. Just pretend you like it). You just sat like that until you heard an all too familiar voice calling out, "Y/N!" You called back, "LEAVE ME ALONE WALT!" He ran towards you, "No, you'll fall sick," You saw he was sporting a black eye. "Since when do you care about me? I thought you wanted to cheat on me. Also, Sadie?" I asked, pointing to the black eye. He said, "No, Carter. I have a new found fear for him," "You should be scared. He hosts Horus, you have no idea how scary he is when he is angry," "I do," "And that was after I told him to lay off," He looked scared, but recomposed himself soon, "Look, I know this is gonna sound cliche, but she kissed me. I tried to push her off but before I could, you came and, well, this happened," I saw the sincerity in his eyes. I didn't say anything. i just captured his lips into mine. He immediately kissed back. After we stopped, Walt said, "I love you and only you, don't ever forget that," I was shocked, this was his first 'I love you' You did the natural thing. You replied, "I love you too," "Now let's get you inside," You did get inside, but you both fell sick. You didn't mind though, the kiss in the rain was worth it. Besides, you got to cuddle, all day long.

Kane Chronicles x reader one shots and preferencesWhere stories live. Discover now