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I was running and running as fast as I could, on deserted road, not knowing where it would lead me. My heart was thumping vigorously against my chest and adrenaline was rushing through my body. My knees were aching, and they wanted to give in, but I couldn't stop, knowing they were right behind me.

After a while I took a turn left escaping the main street in an alley in hopes to outrun them. Soon my feet came to an abrupt halt.... shit...DEAD END. That's when the sound of two gunshots echoed through my ears and then everything went black.

My eyes snapped open immediately and that's when I realized it was just a NIGHTMARE. Well this has become a routine now. Same dream is repeated every night. Sighing I got out of my bed and went to bathroom.

I stared at the person in my mirror. I don't even know who I am anymore, and I wonder if I will ever find myself again. Sighing again I splashed water on my face and came out of the bathroom still lost in my thoughts.

Don't worry I am not usually like this, but everyone goes through ups and downs, right? Everyone has their own demons to fight. And I guess I am fighting my own.

 I don't know who I am or where I come from but what I do know is that I am here to conquer my demons and find my story.


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Until next time :)

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