Chapter 4

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~Canada POV~

I woke up with a piercing headache. I felt like I've been hit by a bus. I look around and noticed I'm in my bedroom, in my bed, with bandages wrapped around my head. I don't really remember how I got here. Maybe Kuma would know. I got up to go downstairs when I heard the door open. I look up to see a man with white hair and pure red eyes. His facial features fascinated me. I felt as if I should know who this is, but I couldn't quite put my finger on it.
"Canada! You're awake! I've been so worried" the man said to me. Should I know this guy? Did he just call me Canada? As in the country of Canada? I can't even remember my own name. Why would it be Canada though? What a silly name!
"I'm sorry but what did you call me?" I wanted him to repeat my name in case I heard it wrong. "I said Canada. How are you feeling anyways?" "I'm fine thank you. Why are you calling me Canada? And who are you?" I asked him this and his face completely drained of all color. He stared at me with this blank look of confusion. "Oh no. Do you remember anything?" "Yeah I remember some things, just not my own name or who you are." I was genuinely confused. This guy was staring at me as if I had 10 heads. What is going on?
"Maybe I should tell the others of our current situations." Prussia was thinking this out loud. "What do you mean 'others'?" I asked.
My head started to throb from the headache and the confusion I was going through. I held my head in my hand as I felt myself drift into unconsciousness. The last thing I heard was, "Canada! Hey Canada look at me! Don't pass out!" Then everything went black.

~Prussia POV~

Mien Gott!
Canada has slight amnesia. He doesn't even remember that he's a country. I need to call someone. Maybe little brother, no he wouldn't believe me. I know! I'll call Britain. He'll know what to do, he'll use his magic to help Canada.
I called Britain up and told him everything that happened. He was over in a matter of 10 minutes after the call. I showed him to Canada. "Why is America laying in bed there? I thought you said it was some other bloke?" I mentally face palmed at that comment. "That's Canada! How do you not know that! Totally unawesome."
I sat in a chair and watched as Britain did some magical magic-type stuff on Canada. I soon grew impatient and asked if he knew what was wrong. "Well it seems from the smack of the head he does have amnesia. Since he doesn't know he's a country we need to be careful." "How come" I asked. "Because we need to still keep the secret to the world, so if he doesn't believe it we don't want him blabbing about." "True true. How are we gonna fix this?" I asked in annoyance. "We have to find something to trigger him memories."
Great this is going to be fun.
Just as Britain finished speaking, Canada began to stir in bed. His violet eyes opened and stared at Britain. "Oh hello there Arthur. What are you doing here?"

Canada!!! How could you forget your soulmate Prussia but remember Iggy! In case you didn't know:
So yay another chapter done!
I want to thank NinjaPenguin1302 and Shining_Mew for being awesome! Love you two! ~Zeluna

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