Chapter 19

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~Prussia POV~

It's been about a day since I brought Canada home from Russia's place. I carried him to his house while England called Ukraine and Belarus to come take care of Russia since they were his sisters.

Canada has been unconscious ever since I brought him home, we all were worried since he sustained a lot of damage from Russia. As countries we can heal quickly, so his cuts were healing fine.

Walking into his bedroom for what seemed like the millionth time, I checked to make sure Canada was ok. He still was sleeping, but his breathing was steady, which was reassuring.

I sat on the edge of the bed and held Canada's hand in my own hand. I traced his palm with my finger, memorizing each line. I was snapped out of my trance when I felt Canada stir in bed. I looked up to see Canada's eyes open and looking at me.

"Gil..." He said quietly.
"Birdie! You're awake!" I was ecstatic.
"How long have I been asleep?" He cocked his head in the cutest way.
"It's only been a little over a day." I couldn't hold myself back anymore and I leaned over to hug him. He tensed up at the contact and I pulled away.

"You ok birdie?" I asked. Usually he didn't mind my hugs, but he seemed a little off.
"I'm fine, it's just...." He paused and threw himself at me bursting into tears.

"It was horrible Gil. So much pain. So much screaming. I was helpless." He cried out between sobs. His sobs were muffled as he nuzzled into my shirt. I rubbed his back comfortingly to soothe him. "It's ok Birdie, I'm here now."

He looked up at me with puffy eyes and smiled, "Thanks Gil, that means a lot to me." Canada then nuzzled into my shirt some more and let out a few more sobs.

A few minutes passed and the sobs ceased, just broken breathing was heard. "Gil..." Canada looked up at me.

"Ja Birdie?"
"I'm hungry. Can I have some food?" Canada asked innocently.

A huge smile crept across my face, "Ja let's go downstairs. They're all waiting for you down there."

"They?" Canada questioned.
"Well ja! The others stayed downstairs to make sure you were ok! They cared about you."

I noticed Canada's face light up when I said the others cares for him. I got up and held my hand out for Canada to grab. He slowly got up onto his feet, but then collapsed. "Ow. My legs still hurt from yesterday. Carry me?" Canada looked up at me with puppy dog eyes and pouted his lip a bit.
I couldn't say no to that!

"Fine. Hop on." I crouched down so Canada could climb onto my back. I decided to give him a piggy-back ride down the stairs.

~Canada POV~

I knew Gil couldn't resist my puppy dog eyes. Even America couldn't resist them. I liked being given a piggy-back ride, it made me feel tall. Plus I got to be close to Gil and feel his toned chest without it being awkward.

I didn't know who to expect when Gil walked into the living room. I DID NOT expect to see so many people!

Walking in I saw America, England, France, Spain, Romano, Germany and Italy all hanging out on the couch or sitting on the floor.

"Look who finally woke up!" Prussia shouts as we enter the room. Everyone turns and their faces light up.
"Canada bro! You're awake!" America was the first to speak and to run over to where Gil and I were.

Gil carefully put me down and I tried to stand, but my legs hurt so badly from where Russia hit me, that I lost my balance. Luckily, Prussia grabbed my arm before I fell.
"Heheh, thanks Gil. I still don't have all my strength yet." I said rubbing my neck awkwardly.

Everyone now was around me giving warm smiles.
"We're so glad you're ok Bro!"
"The old frog was worried sick about you!"
"Oui, I was worried for mon petit Mathieu!"
"Amigo, we all were so worried. Right Roma?"
"Yeah sure, we all were worried."
"Glad mein bruder took care of you."
"Ve~ Yay I'm glad you're awake!" Italy said lastly and ran up and hugged me.

"I think I'll make pasta to celebrate! Come on fratello lets make pasta for Canada!" Italy said dragging Romano towards the kitchen.
"You bastard let go of me!" Romano struggled out of Italy's grip.
"Roma, I have tomatoes for the sauce. Let's cook it together with your brother." Spain suggested walking towards the brothers.
"Fine... As long as the English bastard doesn't touch any of the food!" Romano said.
"Hey! My food isn't that bad!" England argued.

We all laughed.

While Spain and the Italy brothers cooked the food, I sat in the living room along with everyone else chatting about the party.

"So, Canada. What exactly did Russia do to you? If you don't mind me asking." England said.

I stopped and thought for a bit. I hated thinking of what Russia did. It was so scary.

"Well, obviously Russia was drunk. He was highly intoxicated and didn't know what he was doing, so I don't fully blame him for what he did. It started with him being kind and helping me. You see, after I ran out at the party, I ran into the woods and got lost. It was really cold and I was crying, Russia found me out there almost frozen from hypothermia. He must've brought me to his place to warm me up. His intentions didn't seem bad at first." I paused and noticed that even Spain and the Italy brothers were even listening while making pasta.
I continued.

"I woke up in a bed and noticed Lithuania was in the room. He said how Russia brought me home last night. He soon left and then Russia came in, he was acting a little strange and of course I was frightened, I mean who wouldn't be?" England and France chuckled at this.

"He gave me some tea to drink and it was obviously spiked, but I didn't realize. So I drank it and passed out. I awoke in a room tied to a chair. Russia came in and asked me the same question America asked me on stage. Russia was angered when I didn't look him in the eyes and grabbed my chin. I begged to be let go, but he ignored me. He soon left again claiming to be back soon. When he came back he had vodka with him and smelled heavily of it. I knew he was drunk now." I shivered at this thought.

"I begged more and more to be let go, but Russia just yelled at me. I struggled on the ropes, but nothing worked. Russia then did something unexpected. He pulled my curl."

"HE WHAT!?!" Both Italy and Romano yelled from the other room in unison.

"Yeah. He pulled my curl. He wanted to know what it did. Figuring it out, he twirled it, while I struggled. I couldn't do anything, he was too strong." By now I had tears in my eyes while speaking.

"Russia then began to get physical. He started kissing my lips and my neck whilst pulling on my curl. He kissed down my chest and pulled my shirt off. Basically, he began to molest me." I stopped talking now because I couldn't speak. Tears were streaming down my face at just the memories of what happened.

"Canada, you don't have to say any more." England said.

"No, I need to get this out." It hurt to speak about this, but I need to vent it out.

Regaining my composure I continued.

"The bruises were caused by his pipe whenever I resisted. If I resisted, he would hit me with his pipe, if I obeyed I wouldn't get hurt. The cuts are from when he decided it would be fun to hear me scream." I stopped, getting cut off.

"D-did he, you know, touch you?" Prussia asked hesitantly.

I looked at him, "Luckily you were there to save me. You and America showed up just when he was about to show me what else his pipe can do. If you two didn't show up when you did, I don't know if I could've survived. Thank you both for saving me." I was reduced to tears concluding my story.

Prussia came over and hugged me, followed by America, France and all the others. It was a big group hug that even Romano was pulled into. I felt loved and noticed that all these people care for me.
Sorry. Short-ish chapter. Been kinda busy.

Yay Canada! Feel the love! I hope this chapter was ok. Don't worry, the next few chapters will get super PruCan-y meaning FLUFF!!!!!
Ok guys thanks for 1.5k+ reads you are all awesome!! ~Zeluna

Feel the love~

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