Chapter 7

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~Canada POV~

I woke up at the dawn and got right up to hop into the shower. I washed my hair and body and stepped out of the shower grabbing a towel hanging on the rack. I dried my hair the best I could and noticed my curl that wouldn't go down with the rest of my hair. It just stuck out of place like usual. I wondered if Gil was awake yet. I hope he didn't mind that I called him Gil. Oh yeah that's right, he had a nightmare last night, I hope he slept alright after.

I made my way down the stairs quietly as to not wake Gil. I had the urge to make pancakes so I grabbed some pancake mix from the cupboard and turned on the stove.

I was flipping the pancakes when I heard some footsteps coming down the stairs. It was Gil. He was stretching and yawning as he walked into the kitchen. His white hair was messy, but it looked cute. What am I thinking?

"Morning Birdie! You making pancakes?"
"Yep I am. I had the urge to. I hope you like pancakes."
"Ja, anything you make is probably delicious." I blushed when he said that, but looked away to hide it.
"Are you ready to get your memories back today?"
I turned around startled. I guess I do want my memories back. According to what I heard Arthur say when he was talking to Gil, I only lost partial memories. I guess that makes sense since I remembered Arthur and not Gil.
"Yeah. I want to remember things. Mostly about you because I don't remember anything about you." I felt bad I didn't know much about Gil. From what it seems it's that we're close friends.

~short time skip brought to you by pancakes-the fluffy golden pieces of heaven~

"Wow Birdie those pancakes were awesome! Not as awesome as me, but still awesome!" I smiled at his complement and grabbed our plates to put in the sink.

"Oh scheiße! There's a world meeting today! How could I be such a dummkopf and forget that!" Gil was rushing around like a mad man while I just watched him in confusion. "What are you talking about?" I asked quietly. "What am I going to do? They're all going to ask questions. Unless, they don't even notice." Gil was pacing back and forth rubbing a hand through his hair. "Gil calm down. What are you even going on about?" He paused to look at me. "U-um. Well... I have a meeting to go to and um you cant come." He stuttered. I could tell he was nervous about something.

"That's fine Gil I can stay here. I'll just clean around the house."
"Alright thanks Birdie! I'm gonna go upstairs to get dressed and then head out." I nodded to him as he ran up the stairs.

~Prussia POV~

Once I was dressed and ready I ran downstairs and out the door. No one will even notice that Canada is gone. Poor thing is never noticed anyways.

I was driving at full speed to get to the world meeting as soon as possible. Even though I'm not a country anymore, I'm still required to go to the world meetings. I technically represent east Germany so I have to be there to hear all the world problems that I couldn't care less about.

I arrived at the meeting in record time thanks to my speeding. Walking in I saw that some countries were already here. I saw bruder along with Italy. There was Spain and Romano chatting while Romano was as red as a tomato. Japan was talking with Greece who looked like he wanted to fall asleep. China was talking with America and England while France was flirting with Seychelles. Some countries weren't here yet so the meeting hadn't started.

England noticed me and walked over to my direction. "How's um... you know?" I can't believe this guy doesn't even remember Canada's name. "If you mean Matthew, then he's fine. Still no memory, but he's determined to get it back." "Well that's good. I doubt anyone will notice his absence today so no need to worry." I was kinda angry when he said that. Mein Birdie deserves to be noticed.

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