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  Addison's POV

I woke up with dixie still in my arms with her head on my chest. I remember what happened before we fell asleep last night. I instantly started to smile and felt my heart start to race. we only madeout last night but it was a really intense one which led to me not wearing a shirt but I had everything else still on. "addi are you okay? I hear your heart beating really fast.? I heard dixie say in her extremely hot morning voice. "ahh yeah" was all I could say. "hey dix I'm going to get some food. do you want anything?" "no I'm good".

I was about to walk into the kitchen now wearing Dixies hoodie but stoped when I saw avani sitting down in a chair while charli was in-between her legs as they madeout. I cleared my throat and charli basically flew away from avani. they were a blushing mess as they looked down. "don't worry guys, I won't tell anyone" I said smiling at them. I heard them both sigh in relief. "thank you addi" I heard both of them lowly say. "anyways do you guys want some eggs" I say as I start getting the eggs and butter for the pan. "sure" I heard them both say at the same time. it made me chuckle at them and I turned around to face them. they were both sitting in seats but still extremely close. "you guys are so cute together" I said chuckling again. "shut up adds" avani said rolling her eyes playfully. "wait a minute" I hear charli say as she squinted her eyes at me as if she was trying to look at something. "is.. is that a HICKEY" she shouted. "wha-what?" I said shocked as I pull out my phone so I can use the camera to see what she was talking about and if it couldn't get any better dixie walks in. "who has a hickey?" she asked. charli pointed at me as soon as she asked. I was a blushing mess now and dixie being here didn't help one bit.

"Okay maybe it is,  so what?" I said trying to play it off cool. "who's it from?" avani asked looking at it still. "it has to be from Bryce obviously  " said charli. "umm yeah Bryce" I said lowly. dixie just looked at me emotionless. "umm I-im just going to start the eggs" I said turning around to start them.

After a minute I felt dixie come up behind me. she placed a hand on my shoulder and leaned closer to me. "that hickey looks great on you but you should probably go hide it" she whispered in my ear as she bit it a little. "mmm" I hummed out. 

After I finished the eggs I ran back to the room so I could cover it. once I got to the room I went to the mirror in the bathroom and there it was. it was big and a very dark shade of purple. then I saw another on my collarbone. "you have to be kidding me" I said out loud. wait is that another one? thats when I took off Dixies hoodie and wow there were 3 more. "are you kidding" I said out loud again. I looked down at my makeup trying to figure out how I'm going to hide all of these. I then felt a pair of arms sneak around my waist.

I looked up at her trough the mirror. "mmm I like the art work I created" she said lightly kissing all around my right shoulder and right side of my neck. "I'm going to kill you." I said turning around in her arms to face her. I was about to start telling her off but she crashed her lips to mine. I couldn't resist so I kissed back. "jump" I heard her mumble against my lips. I did as told and jumped wrapping legs around her. she moved me onto the bathroom counter and I kept my legs  around her so I'm as close as I can to her. she then started kissing down my neck to my bare chest. "dixie I swear if make one more hickey I'm-" I was saying but got cut off by the door to our room slams open and I see charli but dixie smoothly closes the bathroom door with her foot. "what do we do?" I said looking down at her "just stay quiet I got this" she said softly. "hey who's in the bathroom" we heard charli ask. "both of us" dixie said and my eyes went wide. shit were about to get so busted. "umm why are you both in the bathroom ?" charli asked. I lightly moved dixie out of my way so I could get down. "I'm just helping addi cover her hickey" dixie said and opened the door a little but only she could be seen. "okay, I was just wondering if you guys would want to go to dunkin?" she said coming to the door a little more. "ill come but just give me a few" I said quickly. "I can't I have a call in a little bit with my agent" dixie said making eye contact with me. "okay ill see you in a few minutes addi" charli said leaving the room.

"fuck dixie that was too close" I said worry in my voice still. "its fine addi. she's gone now so we can be calm now" she said walking closer to me and gave me a quick kiss on my lips. " lets cover those hickies on your neck now" she said with a smirk on her face. I lightly hit her arm telling her I'm still a little upset about how many she made.

we finished covering up the ones you would be able to see when I'm wearing a hoodie. "see all done, but I still would rather look at my artwork" she said with a big smile on her face. "I'm going to kill you later for doing this. also when I get back we're going to talk about us and there's no getting out of it this time" I said walking to the bedroom door ready to leave. "okay fine but before you go" she said while walking up to me and gave me a quick kiss. I just smiled and opened the door to go down stairs.

We were now at dunkin and charli and avani were in line. they knew what I wanted so I just found us a seat. I opened my phone and went on twitter for the first time in awhile. as soon as I opened it I saw a picture of Taylor in bed naked with a girl next to him that also was naked. shit I guess this is the photo that dixie saw that made her disappear. I don't blame her, like shit I would be crushed if I was her. fuck she is so strong for not letting this ruin her.

Charli and avani came and sat down and I could tell that they were worried about me because they were looking at me worried. "adds you okay, you look kinda sad all of a sudden?" charli said reaching to hold my hand " yeah I just now saw the picture of Taylor and the girl" I said looking down "oh" I heard charli faintly mutter. "I just- I don't get how someone could do that... especially to dixie. like she's perfect! she's funny, cute, strong, charming, and.." I then quickly stop once I realised I was  going on and on about dixie to her sister and one of her best friends. "looks like someone has a crush" they both said at the same time. "what n-no its just that dixie is my best friend and I.. I just got carried away" I said looking down because I can feel I was blushing a little. "mhmm sure" charli said sipping her coffee. I just rolled my eyes and started to drink my coffee.

We finally got back home and I went straight to my room to go see dixie. I opened my door and I saw dixie on her bed crying into her knees. "dix oh my god come here" I said sitting next to her on the bed and wrapped my arms around her. she then let go of her knees and put her head on my shoulder and wrapping her arms around me. "are you okay" I asked softly. "I- I don't really know at the moment. I just... why?.. what did I do to deserve this? am I not enough?" she said barely even able to get her words out. she was definitely talking about Taylor "dix you are amazing in every way and you deserve someone way way better then that idiot" I said "like you" she said lifting her head up to look at me. I just laughed a little "sure" I said hugging her tighter. "I think I need a nap" she said as she lays down and moving the cover over her. "do you want me to come cuddle into you?" I asked "yes please" she said giving me a small smile. I just went over to her and got under the covers with her. she turned to me and wrapped herself around me and laid her head on my chest and fell asleep.

~~~~1576 words~~~

So this is extremely long. Do you guys like longer chapter or would you rather shorter ones? By short I mean like 800 words.

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