I want you back

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Addison's POV

It's been two weeks and dixie and I have only spoken a few words this whole time. they were mainly just quick questions or to excuse ourselves because we would bump into each other. we seemed to bump into each other more now then we ever have. I can barely even sleep at night. she's been sleeping in charli's room since the fight and has only been in our room just to get clothes. there's literately been times where she would have charli come get her clothes.

I've been wanting to plan something so that we can at least be friends with each other but as soon as I see her she leaves. how as I supposed to talk to someone that won't even make eye contact with me?

I walked into the kitchen and she was there, she was even alone! yet as soon as she saw me walk in she started to get up out of the chair she was sitting in. "wait dix" I said grabbing her arm before she could walk away. "what?" she said while looking at the floor. "can I please talk to you before you leave? " I begged her. she stoped trying to walk away and faced me. "we need to-" I was cut of by charli walking in. "oh you guys are finally talking" she said and dixie rolled her eyes  and starting to leave. "wait dix" I said while I grabbed her arm to stop her from leaving. "look if you ever cared about me just meet me at the park we would go to when we needed to get away from everyone. meet me at 7:30" I said trying so hard not to just break down crying now that I'm seeing how much I really lost her. she just looked at me and then walked away. "adds im sorry I didn't-" "its fine charli, how would you have known" I said walking back to my room.

It was now 7:25 and I was sitting on the bench at the park that dixie and I would sit at when we needed to just clear our heads. it had a beautiful over look of the city. I just sat there watching the sun set as best as I can since there were grey clouds above the city and I was praying that dixie would show up. it was now 7:50 and she wasn't here yet. I decided to give up and was about to start walking back to the house which was kinda far but when I turned around I saw her walking over to me. a small smile came to my face. she looked at me with no expression. I sat back down and then she came over and sat next to me. we didn't say anything yet as we just looked over the city for a few minutes. "I'm sorry I over reacted when we had our fight" I said breaking the silence. she just sighed and brushed her hand through her hair so that her hair was on the other side of her face. she then finally looked at me and I could see pain in her eyes. "im sorry I let it get that far" she said and looked back at the city. "what do you mean by you letting it get that far?" I asked turning my body to face her more. "I should've never kissed you back and just kept sleeping in a different room" she said still looking at the city. I stood up is disbelief she just said that. "so you actually regret what happened between us?" I said now getting mad. "yes" she softly said. "dixie look me in the eyes and tell me you didn't feel anything when we kissed" I harshly said. "I-I can't" she said looking down. "and why is that" I asked still raising my voice. after I said that it all of a sudden started pouring but I didn't care. I cared more about the fact she's lying to me. I know she likes me more then a friend and she just won't admit it to me.

I was still waiting on her answer while I was socked in the rain. "you know what dixie forget this ever even happened I'm done with you. I can't take this pain anymore. I just wanted you back and you just blow me off as if I'm nothing to you. bye dixie" I shouted at her then started to walk off. "I love you" she shouted. I froze as soon as I heard her say that. "Addi I'm in-love with you" she shouted at me. I then turned around to look at her. I was shocked at what she said and I just stood there in disbelief. "then what is the problem dixie? why did you ignore me when you could've just told me instead" I asked as I walked over to her. we were both drenched in the rain as it started pouring harder. "I-i'm scared" she chocked out. "about what dixie?" I said now standing right infront of her. "I'm- I'm scared I'm going to get hurt again, I-i feel so worthless and broken inside and I don't want to be broken more" she said crying. my face softened as I cupped her face. I pulled her chin up so that she looks me in the eyes. "I would never hurt you dix. I love you wayyy too much to ever hurt you" I said looking in her eyes. I see a little spark in her eyes when I said that. I then leaned in and connected our lips. I started kissing her and then feel her kiss back. it got heated really fast. we've clearly been craving each others lips. after a minute she pulled to get air and we were both breathing heavily "I need you" she whispered in my ear as I felt her hot breath hit my ear and neck. "please tell me you drove here" I said still out of breath. she just took my hand and led me to what I think was going to be her car.

we got to her car and she unlocked it so we can get in. as soon as we get into her car I was about to kiss her but she stoped me. "we are not having our first in this stupid car" she said starting up the car and quickly pulling out of the parking spot. I just smiled while looking at her. she was definitely sexually frustrated. she laid her hand on my thigh and made shapes as she drove back to the house.

we got back to the house and thankfully no one was home because there was a party at the sway house. that was another reason I thought she wasn't going to show up to the park but thankfully she did. we ran up stairs and as soon as I shut the door she slams me against it and harshly kisses me making a moan come out.

Don't hate me but I'm going to stop here and you'll have to wait for next chapter. Might be able to make next chapter today but I can't right now. 

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