Chapter 13

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James and Alex had taken me to a place that kinda looked like an interrogation room. Stacy walled into the room looking sad and confused. She sat at the table opposite me and reached for my temples. Flash backs of me in the cell started coming back. My eyes began to tingle and my veins. I pulled away puffing.
"I need to see more." She said.
I began to stand only to be pushed back down by Alex and James. She reached for my temples again i pulled away.
"WHERES ACE!" i shouted.
"He is safe." Stacy said.
Alex and James held my head down against the table so she could read my mind.
"Get off of me!" i shouted and struggled against their strength.
She put her two fingers against my temples. Flash backs of Ace finding me in the cell came back to me. I thought about the happiest thing thats ever happened to me again like what i did to Rodger. Stacy frowned.
"I cant-" she said.
"Cant what?" Alex said.
"She is blocking me out." she said.
I lifted my head off the table.
"I cant see her memories while she is conscious." she said looking up at Alex.
"I cant!" he said back.
She looked at James.
"No no I'm not doing it!" He said back.
"Its the only way." Stacy said.
What were they talking about? i looked up at James who had his fist in the air pointing in my direction. he look hesitant about doing it. I tried to move but Alex held me in place. James fist was inches away from my face before the world went in slow motion. I used my mind to keep his hand back. But it was extremely hard, it mist have something to do with the metal thing around my wrist. After a while James gave up his hand wasn't moving. I gasped and laid my head on the table feeling so weak.
"Try now." Alex said.
I looked up at him with pleading eyes.
Stacy put her two fingers against my temples. Flash backs started flickering before my eyes. i tried to fight it by thinking of the happiest moment of my life, but i was too weak. i gave in letting the flash backs continue without flickering. Once they had stopped i realised my eyes were shut. i opened them but i couldn't keep them open for long until they fell shut again.
"They- they took her memories." Stacy said.
"How much does she remember?" James asked.
"Nothing about us." Stacy replied.
My mind went blank and i couldn't hear anything.

I slowly opened my eyes adjusting to the light. I was in a brown room that was strangely familiar. I sat up and walled to the door but as i grabbed the handle it opened from the other side. Ace walled into the room.
"Ace!" a yelled and wrapped my arms around him.
Behind him Alex walked into the room and looked at us and then looked away and scratched the back of his neck. Ace pulled away and looked straight into my eyes.
"I remember." he said softly.
"What?" i asked.
"Everything, they can do it for you too."
I thought for a sec. what if i didn't like what i would remember.

James held her fingers against my temples. And slowly brung back all my memories. I had no idea he could do that. Once all my memories came back all i could think about was my hatred for Ace he helped them kill my brother and destroy my house. I stood up feeling so angry. I walked right out to room and into the lounge.
"Hey did you get your memories back?" Ace said to me.
"Yeah i did." i said coldly before turning to him.
I extended my palm and his body slammed into the wall. He groaned in pain. I continued to slam his body against the wall.
"I trusted you!!!" i yelled at him.
He new exactly what i was talking about. Alex grabbed my arm and pushed me against the wall. I heard Ace's body hit the floor. I felt weak but still so angry. Alex looked down at my wrist to check if the metal thing was around my wrist still. He looked at me confused. My legs were starting to give way but i forced myself to keep standing. I quickly walled out to room went out side. And sat on the ground against a tree. The bunker was inside a hill. It was pretty well hidden.
"How did you do that?" a voice said behind me.
I already new it was Alex. I sighed.
"I don't know." i said.
He sat down next to me with our shoulders touching.
"Your stronger than the rest of us." He said.
"When Stacy looked at your memories she noticed your reaction to the full moon." Alex said plainly.
My eyes widened. it was the moon!
"She said its extremely rare but some of the changed are affected by the moon." He said.
"How do i stop it?" i asked.
"You cant, you have to control it." he said.
I sighed. why me? why did any of this have to happen to me? My families dead all because of me! Alex wrapped his arm around me, he can read emotions i almost forgot about that.
"I know how you feel." he said to me.
I rested my head on his shoulder as we watched the sun set. I had to find the person who had killed my brother and kill them.

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