Chapter 11

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I walked back to my dorm once everyone else started to. More memories started coming back to me but i still didn't know everything. All i know is that my name is Victoria, i think. i haven't known these people here for long but somethings not right about them and My whole family is dead.
"Hey." someone said behind me. grabbing my arm. I turned my head to see Ace.
"Hi." i said back smiling.
He looked a little worried. Shit! i forgot his ability was to know almost everything you know by touch. My eyes widened before i began to run for the two double doors ahead. After i went through a series of green doors i hid under a table and waited. My heart was pounding. The door swung open and Ace looked at me. I punched him in the nose and ran toward the door but Ace put his hand against the door i turned around and he held me against the door with his forearm. He looked deeply into my eyes.
"How?" he asked me.
"How what?" i tried to get out of his grip, but he just pinned me against the door harder.
"How did you resist it?" He said looking straight into my eyes searching for an answer. I new he was able to find what he was looking for i decided to distract him and thought about how good looking he was just to keep him away from how i managed to resist Rodger.
"Haha!" he chuckled. And loosened on his grip.
I pushed him back and pinned him to the wall with my mind. He looked at me shocked on how i was able to resist the buildings power to stop powers from working. My breathe came in short shallow gasps. Footsteps came from behind me, i turned my head as Rodger was holding a needle that was heading straight for my neck but the whole world slowed down before it reached me. I had plenty of time to grab the needle and jab it in Rodgers chest. I looked back toward Ace but he was gone.
"I can resist him too, get us out of here!"
I herd a voice say in front of me. A hand grabbed my wrist but nothing was there. It must have been Ace but he was invisible. I closed my eyes and thought of the happiest place i could remember. a place me and my family had camped once. It was a rocky place with a waterfall and a small cave where we had spent the night. Not many people new about this place. I opened my eyes to see that the scenery hadn't changed yet. id have to try harder against this powerful building. I focused harder even though my ears were ringing and my head throbbed. When i opened my eyes it was blurry but i had teleported and Ace was standing next to me looking at the landscape. He was saying something but i couldn't hear him because the ringing was to loud. I fell down to my hands and knees. I breathed heavily scared that if i didn't i might not be able to breathe at all. I shook my head trying to fight back to urge to pass out but i new it was going to be a loosing battle. My right arm grew weak and i fell over and landed on my back. My breathing slowed down so much i thought i might suffocate. Ace was leaning over me shouting something but i couldn't hear him. Slowly i began to hear what he was saying.
"Let your eyes change colour!" he shouted.
I instantly relaxed my body and let my eyes change colour. I could finally breathe again, but my head still throbbed. I felt so weak and just let my body go limp and i closed my eyes.
I will find you! and i will kill you!
I WILL find you!
The voice boomed inside my head.
I blinked a couple times against the bright light. A sat up and looked at the dead leaves and twigs i had been sleeping on. A burnt out fire was nearby where i slept. I stood up slowly still feeling weak. I looked down at my veins in my arms to see they were still glowing. I decided to keep it that way since it kinda saved my life. I searched the small cave for Ace but i couldn't find him any where. I walked out toward the small pond that the water fall landed into. I quickly scanned the area for Ace before taking off my blue shirt and denim shorts just leaving my under wear on and then i dove into the pond. The crystal clear water felt warmer than i thought it would be. I sighed happily feeling relaxed in the water. I looked down at my glowing blue veins that covered my body head to toe.
"Good morning." a voice said behind me.
I gasped and turned around to see Ace. I swam behind a rock covering most of my body apart from my head. I blushed.
"Morning." i said looking any where but his gaze.
"Haha sorry." he said covering his eyes and turning his back to me. I quickly hopped out the water and put my clothes back on.
"Yeah it's all good now." i said still blushing.
"How did you sleep?" He asked me.
"Good." i said leaving out the part where someone wanted to kill me. Ace walked up to me and grabbed my wrist. I looked up into his gorgeous brown eyes. He looked deeply into mine. He twisted his mouth and his eyes narrowed.
"You can trust me!" he said brushing the side of my face with his thumb.
"Do you know who said it?" he asked me referring to the voice i herd while i was sleeping. I shook my head.
"I think it was Rodger." He said looking off in the distance. I thought about it for a while. It probably was Rodger. I herd a loud whispering ring in my ears.
"I will destroy every thing you have ever cared about and kill everyone you have ever loved!" i covered my ears and looked around. I noticed Ace had also covered his ears and had fallen down to his knees. The ringing continued even though the voice had stopped talking. I closed my eyes and began to think of something else the most happiest moment of my life. When my whole family was together and we went out camping. The memory brought tears to my eyes. I cant believe they were really gone. The ringing had stopped almost completely. I kneeled down next to Ace watching him squirm in pain.
"Think of the most happiest moment of your life." I told him.
He opened his eyes and looked directly at me. He sat up and didn't say anything for a while.
"Are you okay?" he asked me.
I quickly wiped away a tear id forgotten about at the corner of my eye.
"Fine, i'm more worried about you, are you okay?" i asked.
"Yeah, i think so." he said.

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