Chapter 7

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~Lukes POV~

After a few more minutes of walking we finally arrived at the restaurant. It was 3:30pm so we decided after we got a quick bite to eat we would go back to my place and relax. Our Waiter sat us down at a booth. We didn't eat lunch, so we figured this would be an early dinner considering by the time we got our food it would be around 4pm.

"Hey guys,my names Matt and i'll be your server tonight. What do you guys want to drink?" The Waiter said while handing us our menus.

"I'll have a water please." Cher said with a small smile before looking back at me.

"Ill have a Coke please."

"Alright i'll be back in a few moments with your drinks." Cher and I both nodded, and the Waiter walked away.

"Luke this restaurant is so fancy! Thanks so much." Cher said while looking deep to my eyes.

" No problem, I Love spending time with you. There's something i have to ask you." I finally grew the guts to ask her out. Before she could answer the Waiter was back. Way to ruin the moment.

"Here are your drinks, are you ready to order?" The waiter questioned.

"Yeah, ill have penne alla vodka." Cher said while handing the menu back to the Waiter.

"And for you sir?"

"I'll have rigatoni alla vodka, thanks" I handed the menu back to the Waiter and he walked away.

Cher's attention went back to me and we sat there in silence. It wasn't awkward silence, it was nice. Its now or never.

"Cher, I know we've only known each other for a few days but, it's been the best couple days of my life. When i'm with you I feel like i can be myself. Cher will you be my girlfriend?"

~Cher's POV~

Did Luke just ask me to be his girlfriend? I didn't think he felt the same way about me but i guess i was wrong. What he said to me was so sweet and romantic, how could i say no? I'm still shocked, I don't know what to say. All i could do was lean in, Luke leaned in too and we shared a passionate kiss. We both pulled away and we were both grinning.

"So i'm guessing thats a yes?" Luke said with a cheeky smile.

"Of course it's a yes!" I said a little bit too loud, everyone started looking at us before "awwing"

I can't believe me and Luke are boyfriend and girlfriend! I think were moving a bit to quickly but it was love at first sight. Hopefully hes not like my last boyfrien-. I stopped my thoughts. No he can't be. No one can be that bad. Luke's different, he couldn't harm a fly could he? No..No..No. My brain has to stop thinking so negatively.

After Luke and I finished eating, we headed back to the train station. We took our seats and he put his arm around my shoulder, and I leaned my head on his chest. Once we got to our stop, Luke and i walked with our hands locked onto each other and headed back to his house. We went and sat down on the coach and put on 'The Last Song'. "Luke this movie makes me cry everytime i watch it" I said giving him a heads up. "Thats okay babe, you'll always have my sholder to cry on." he said smiling at me.

I can't get over how sweet he his, i'm the luckiest girl in the world to have a boyfriend like Luke. By the time the movie was over i was hysterical. It was such a good movie, but the ending was so sad. Luke saw me tearing up and always wiped my tears away.  He asked me if i wanted to sleep over but it was Sunday and we had school tomorrow. It was getting late so he offered to walk me home, which i accepted.

When we got to my front door we just stared into each other's eyes. We both leaned in, just like our first kiss sparks were flying. He licked my bottom lip begging for entrance, i granted him access and he deepened the kiss. Our tongues were dancing together before we both pulled away for air. "Thanks for such an amazing night, i'll see you at school tomorrow."

"It was my plessure, see ya tomrorrow." Luke brought me in for a hug before turning around and walking back to his house.

I walked into my house and went upstairs, and through on a pair of Pajamas before laying in bed. Within seconds I feel asleep.

~Luke's POV~

I'm so glad that Cher said yes! At first when i asked her and she didn't respond right away i was scared i just ruined our friendship by asking her, but she said yes. I've never been so happy in my  life. When I walked in Jai was waiting on the couch. "Where were you?" Jai looked at me looking disappointed. "I took Cher out for an early dinner? Why do you care?" I snapped back. "Bro I told you I liked her yesterday!" Jai half yelled. "Jai, look i'm sorry but I already asked Cher to be my Girlfriends and she said yes." Jai looked really upset before leaving the room and slamming our bedroom door shut behind him.

I don't know what his problem is. He better not try to ruin my realationship with her.

~Jai's POV~

I can't believe Luke's dating Cher. After i told him that i liked her! Some brother i have. I'm not just gonna stand around and watch this. There relation ship has to end. I care about Cher too much to let her and Luke be together. Besides I could treat her so much better then Luke can.

~Authors Note~

Like Promised heres another chapter! I re-wrote it probably 6 times! A little bit of a plot twist with Jai likeing Cher! I'm writting this as i go so if you have an suggestions or something you wanna see in it leave a comment below!

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